    What are My rights..I was told Kindle Fire HD Cover was the right one for my Kindle...

    I opened all the packaging to find this was not right!...Receipt says they can only return money if packaging is complete/unopened..Waterstone Book shop..their word against mine?/Stronger case?(No pun intended)!..Thanks..I  want refund today!

    +1  Views: 455 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Who told you it was the right one? A worker at the bookstore? Even still they do have a written return policy. At least let them know you were led into purchasing that one based on their employee's recommendation. See if they will at least accept it back as an exchange for the one you need and maybe a store credit for the balance if there is a balance. 


    yep sales girl!...what can I use as back up to blag that I know what the written return policy conditions are??..Want to sound like I know what I`m talking about!;-)

    You just have to explain what you needed and what you were told to get is not correct. They should assume some responsibility since their sales person took the responsibility in guiding you to the kindle you bought.

    Great Thank you Colleen!..Watch out Waterstones here I come!..I`ll assert my authority when the shop is really busy..that should speed things up!..(Everyone knows that the Customer is ALWAYS right)!!:-)

    Go get 'em :)

    lol..I shall not leave the shop until I do!:-)..(Could be in for a long day/week/month/year)!..They`ll soon get sick of me!;-)

    Got a refund..No problem!!..(So there I was having swatted up of all the ins and outs of The Sale of Goods Act 1979...can now recite it parrot fashion..back to front and inside out!..Waited until Saturday afternoon when I knew the shop would be busy and they wouldn`t want people held up or a scene!;-)...Was even prepared to tell them I`d write them bad online!...But oh the letdown ...the girl was SO lovely..she agreed it was wrong and couldn`t help me enough!!! :-)LOL

    Yay! Glad you got it settled :)

    Comment no doubt in wrong place..but Thanks Colleen..I was so geared up for an argument..a real anti-climax! ;-)LOLXX

    If the sales girl told you it was the right one and it isn't, she sold you the wrong one, she is in the wrong. Insist you speak to the manager , yes make sure there are other customers within earshot, and don't take no for an answer, you are in the right to have it replaced.


    Thanks sunnyB..i shall do`s just made more difficult that I rang them to ask if I could have a refund on the was just not into it!
    ..answer no because I`D opened the packaging ..but fair play to that as no one else wants a kindle that has been should be brand new!..but she told me definitely right one..was also in the that makes things harder!!!..i know they are often funny re sale offer refunds..but I don`t know my actual rights there!..But I`m going to do as you say! X

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