    who is God

    +1  Views: 876 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    The question "Who is God?" is a good question.  It is better than asking "What is God?"  This is because God exists, created us, loves us, is concerned for our being, desires to provide for us, and sent the Son to redeem us.  If we were to ask "What is God?" we might be tempted to say that God is the infinite being, the creator, a presence, or something like that.  In some respect, this would be true.  But the first question brings us closer to understanding more of who God really is in His character and His love for us as revealed in the Bible.

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    Hmmm...this is always an interesting one!..I think The Lord certainly does work in mysterious ways!..It goes into a huge ongoing debate doesn`t it!..People ask "Why does God let children die etc..etc and not step in to save them etc etc...I know we can`t blame God for much that goes on in this world..we induce wars and hate how can we blame God for our actions...I`d love to discuss this more...I`d love to believe in one Divine God who loves us all..but it`s hard to..I believe in a creator and a presence ..and an afterlife..but that`s more a hope I guess!`s of great comfort to believe that we`ll be reunited with our love certainly keeps me going that I`ll be with them again at some point..but not too soon I hope!..I`d rather concentrate on living at the moment..none of us have the answer here on Earth do we..but maybe that`s God`s little joke to keep us guessing!!??!;-)..I certainly believe in an afterlife..having witnessed spirits in hospitals I`ve worked and I was definitely a sceptical before then..Very interesting!!! XmILLIE..My typing never improves!!:-(

    The trinity states: Father Son and Holy Ghost. God is the father………..

    God is the creator. IT is whoever you believe IT to be. IT has many names. God being just one of IT's names. 

    i think God is in everything you see Like  nature and animals kindness in humans that is where I think God is I don't think there is a God as such .... I did as a child BELIVE in God as I was forced to to church and it was thrown down ones neck I think we all have to belief in something ..... this is my opinion anyway 

    God is a spiritual being who sent his son to earth to be murdered by mankind for the sins of same mankind,,,because God wants as many people with him at the end,,the death of Christ became the bridge back to God,,,think about it,,,he sacrificed his son to save mankind,,,only a God could do that,,if i was a God  and my people refused to believe in me ,,i would simply destroy them and start again,,,,,good thing i am not God hey,,,nice chatting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    God is different things to different cultures and individuals, but commonly, a supreme being who is attributed as the Creator. 

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