
    0  Views: 864 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    Simple. Eat right. That is carbs, fats, proteins…. Balance it all and do not eat beyond your natural state of hunger. Exercise. Sleep………..

    Divorce your spouse and instantly lose weight when it's actually finalized. (I'm expecting to lose 230 lbs.!)


    Clonge - so funny. I wonder how much your spouse weighs.

    How about 230 lbs?

    Clonge and how did I know you would say that? Of course I did!

    I have no idea.

    Clonge - you said it which is what was funny.

    Take your pick >

    Push your weight!  (AWAY from the table after a moderate serving of good foods)

    When I choose to take weight off, I eat less food and drink more water. It takes time and my weight goes down about 1 pound, (.5KG) per day comfortably. Drinking water and eating less can easily become a lifestyle. Those days of 3 square meals a day or all you can eat dining is well worth avoiding. I am health, fit and active.  

    Nothing spectacular....fruits, vegetables, water, exercise along with NO processed foods, NO junk food.

    P.S. A high dose of routine and discipline is required.

    There isn't one.  You can find as many weight loss promises as there are fish in the ocean. Most educated medical professionals will tell you to eat less and exercise more.  They'll go in depth with you based on your particular health issues.  My doctor recommends the Mediterranean way of eating.  It's not too much different from the inverted pyramid, which isn't much different from Weight Watchers.  
    Diets which advocate overdosing on one type of food are probably least effective.  Drinking most of your meals (Slim Fast type stuff) probably won't work over the long haul, unless you are VERY disciplined.  To be trying to lose weight indicates a probable lack of discipline, however.

    Eat to live. Don't live to eat. And exercise.

    Eat less.........exercise more.

    My personal diet plan works for me. Two very small meals a day, several glasses of distilled water and no sugar or fatty foods. I do that for 3 days then back to a better diet for two days, then to my small meals + water for three days. Cycling like this is not stressful and an over 2 months lost 30 pounds. I'm down to 200 presently and thinking of going for 180. When I started my diet I was up to 240 pounds. That was oppressive for me to be that heavy. Glad it's down now.

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