    OBAMA (don't) CARE

    SO, I filled out my application and selected my "plan".  I paid my first month's premium, about $70 less than my previous plan (same carrier) and less deductible.  I DO resent the $4.53 for PEDIATRIC dental, however.  
    Someone on one of the news shows was commenting on how Obamacare is costing MILLIONS of dollars and "everyone" is upset.  It's Russian Roulette at this point.  :0

    Has anyone called or written his/her senator or representative to let him/her know how YOU feel and how YOU want to be represented?  It doesn't do me any good, as Diane Feinstein doesn't give a hoot what her constituents want. 

    +5  Views: 1065 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    If she does not care vote her OUT then

    I get ONE vote, and I never give it to her.

    4 Answers

    Wait til 2015 when your payments double. The first year is bargain price to try and keep the sticker shock down and to get through the congressional elections later this year and save the democrats jobs. Next year when the price doubles, everyone will hate the democrats. 

    5 million people are still without healthcare because they lost their insurance due to Obamacare. 

    nice, nice

    i know what is this going on in the country!

    It's called the curse of Obama and the uninformed and the moochers who voted for him twice.
    nice, nice

    OMG! u really know how to deal with politics!

    I call it like I see it.
    nice, nice

    like that! i saw the comment u made on the question where the girl had put up her real name and password and stuff! how u knew i was a kid!

    I'm smart like that ;)
    nice, nice

    but it's not that obvious is it?

    I'm 51 years old. 25 years old would be obvious to me, lol
    nice, nice

    ok! so u really are very smart! and knows a lot of things too! intelligent! u working?

    I'm always working ;)
    nice, nice

    wow! well i'm taking classes! it is fun at times! but u know got to stay focus stay on track! like my granny says!

    She's a smart lady. Listen to her. I'm going to take a break now. I'll be back in a while.
    nice, nice

    ok! u can start commenting anytime u want once i ain't reply u will know that i am gone and sleep! k.k.

    If I hadn't gone with this California Care business, I'd have been paying $200 more/month on the plan I had. None of this makes any sense, but if the democrats get re-elected AGAIN, after ALL the crapola we've seen the last six years, the majority of American people deserve what's coming to them, and the rest of us better look for shelter somewhere else.

    and , a lot of people can't afford Obummer Care, or they would have bought a health insur policy a long time ago.

    Obama Care is a NEW concept, mycatsmom. People haven't been able to afford, or have chosen not to purchase health insurance "a long time ago". Demanding and punishing those choices and/or circumstances IS something new.

    wow obama probably is more important than the people of his country!


    Well, he thinks he is. He isn't. Not at all.

    Obama is not more important than the people of his country. He, and our other "elected" officials, are supposed to be public servants. Instead, the public has become THEIR servants.
    nice, nice

    true very true agreed!

    He works for you Joanie.Not the other way around.
    nice, nice

    kk tommyh! i was just trying to be a friend! ok!:D

    i agree with u pkb


    Thank you, nice, nice. Do you see were it says "Comment this answer" under the responses we give? Click on that when you want to comment on an answer and use the "answer box" when you want to post an answer". Colleen will walk you through it if you need help.
    nice, nice

    i know but i thought that is underr the person who sent the message is there u have to click i didn't know! BTW u relative of colleen?

    Maybe, but probably not. We fight like sisters sometimes, though. :D
    nice, nice

    oww! ok! wat does:D means

    It is a big smile. The : is the eyes, the D is the mouth. It is sideways.
    nice, nice

    ohhh! i now see!

    TTYL, little one

    Talk To You Later.

    I have insurance but my roommate has none. Is he going to be penalized if he gets sick? He can’t afford a monthly payment………..


    It's a ridiculous threat. The government is going to squeeze blood out of a turnip. I truly believe people would be happy to purchase health insurance if it were worth the cost, and adjusted on a sliding scale to match income. Some people just get it outright free and others are paying thousands for LESS care than the freebies. :(

    A sliding scale is a great idea, then James could get it for $5 a month!

    And he would be paying for quality care!!

    Tell HIM. He won’t even look into it yet doesn’t mind griping about his health…….

    We know he isn't going to do anything about it. Some would rather complain than do anything to help themselves. If YOU did it FOR him....oh, he might still complain. He's an enigma!

    Well said……...

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