    how can family be a hindrance to ones progress

    +1  Views: 1075 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    When they decide they do not like the way you live your life and start telling you what you should be doing according to their standards. Some people believe that if they are family, they own you. 

    Family, like any other people with whom you associate, can hinder you by always being negative. Some can only talk about "angry topics"....those are the subjects on which they thrive, if they are combative and critical. They can bring you down for sure!


    Yeah, I could have gone a lot farther if my dad wasn't always so negative.So was my mom to a degree; but she encourage me a little more than him.

    Once you're out on your own and away from Mom and Dad, you can accomplish whatever you decide. Your negative upbringing has an influence of course, but is not something to dwell on for the rest of your life. I know a woman who got a BA when she was 74 years old...just because she felt like it!

    Family members are notorious for putting down their relatives.  Because they allegedly know us better than others, because we live with each other, they assume to know what is best for us, whether it is or not.  They are ready to give us unsolicited opinions and state them as Gospel.  They feel their criticism is constructive, when often it is based on jealousy and is as destructive as possible.  
    My sister wanted to be an interior decorator (and she would have been A-MAZ-ING).  My father told her she was stupid.   My friend had a date with the guy she SHOULD have married; she went shopping with her mother that day, and Mom made sure they didn't get home until AFTER her friend was supposed to pick her up.  They never spoke again.  One of my friends has been telling me that she noticed 40+ years ago how my mom (rest her angry soul) never had a kind word to say to or about me.   These things affect us, whether we recognize it or not.  If we are very fortunate, we realize what's been done to us and get the help we may need to reconcile ourselves to the abuse and establish better patterns for ourselves.  If we don't, we may wander through life, never quite satisfied with ourselves.  

    family could be a hindrance to you're progress because they may tell u what to do, how to do it and why u should do it1 sometimes they act as if they know what's best for u ! sometimes they are right sometimes they aren't! :D

    that's why so many people get away from their family while they are seeking to become successful.


    yeah......they move all the way across the country to get as far away from mom and dad as they can.

    They can only do this with your permission, so don't let them.

    They can suffocate you with their demands and needs,crowd your space and be inconsiderate to the fact that everyone needs some quality "me" time to recharge and move forwards!..If they overcrowd you they can hold you back and hence hinder you...Give and Take...Not just Take!

    Ignore them if they are not paying your mortgage  or rent they have no right to be in your head ! 

    many a marriage or long term relationship has been broken up by familiy members.

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