My vet says of course they can, but it's better that they don't because they have sensitive systems and sometimes the treatment doesn't go well. I've had a disagreement with someone about this and would like to hear some other educated opinions.
3 Answers
Your vet is the best educated opinion. The members here are volunteers. I do not believe we have any veterinarians as members however.
According to this, guinea pigs CAN get fleas. It includes recommended treatments for the fleas >>>
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Just about any hairy mammal can get fleas. Just take that cat flea medicine that comes in a tube and put a small amount on the back of the Guinea Pig's neck, like you would for a cat.And totally change out his bedding. And wash his enclosure before you put new bedding in there.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I would heed the warnings of your veterinarian, as Colleen stated, who better on this site could advise you, in fact, he/she has had about 8 years of education relating to their profession, continual professional development through their careers, and experience that builds with every case that they work on. Who should refute that experience and advise, not me! Listen to the vet and use the protocol that they suggest, guinea pigs are not like dogs or cats... Good luck. p.s. the topical systemic treatments for your dog or cat are dosed for their body scale, a guinea pig weighs maybe a pound, do those meds prescribe amounts to use for a one pound animal? Answer is NO!
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |