    Do u know who are the real life people and who are the villains from the concept of the movie "ARRIVAL"?

    this was my question and i asked it in short later but at first my question was what is above.. then why was this removed?

    0  Views: 981 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    Please use the comment this answer option to reply to an answer. You will see it just under the answer. I moved your comment to Tabber so she will now get an alert and your discussion with her can stay together in one thread.

    2 Answers

    Charlie Sheen starred, enough said.

    Science "FICTION".


    ROMOS this answer got my tickle bone. thanks

    u havent seen it ROMOS

    Actually I have, it was pure fiction, but I suppose these sort of things may happen

    Romos-how did u say it is fiction so bold? i mean u did not get result for that reason or u jst SORT things these way from before

    FICTION rather than FACT.

    Romos- smtimes u answer like "u r up above the world so hi" and sometimes fiction. :/ keep it up

    dear salmon i saw all the arrival movies several times.  from the concept of the movie the villains were the one that changed their physical bodies and looks, to look exactly like somebody they were not.  Those movies were fascinating to me because they suggested types of battles humans might have if extraterrestrials decided to over take us and/or pick a fight with humans on this planet.  These movies demonstrated how we might respond to alien invasion, and how slick and savvy the green or grey aliens can be when dealing with us humans. So the producers of these movies (Arrival 1 and 2) and i think there was a 3rd one, the aliens were certainly the villains.  The ones copying our identity.  I love any movies on UFO people and humans on earth & and the possibility of how they might get along in real life and real time.  Personally i don't think it would be good because of the law: "survival of the fittest". And we are not the fittest compared to them. We haven't seen trouble.


    below reply moved to where it belongs


    dear tabbor what r u talking about? there is no fiction in the movie.. just human

    Colleen you tickle me with this comment. You say no fiction in this movie. Do you truly think its real?

    Actually I did not say it. salam did. I had to move his comment to you here because he posted it as a new answer.

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