    why i am so cool

    +1  Views: 848 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Good air conditioner?



    Another good one, Tommy.: )

    Not sure. You and I are related and it runs in our family?

    Try asking your own a$$, IT will know.

    If cool = ego, then you are really cook indeed……..

    Too chilled.

    Maybe it's your haircut.

    leow - what kind of question is this? Why don't you tell us if your need is so pressing. Perhaps because you are all in black - did I just say that?

    Cuz you're diving into icy water with all these other guys...which one are you, anyway?|""

    Some people really are cool.  Some know they are cool.  Some are cool and may not be aware of it on a conscious level.  Many times a cool person emulates the attitudes and actions of parents/caregivers.  Many times a cool person goes thru adversities and decides to not let them take him down. Some cool people have had few life problems, so far, and are just cool. Cool people don't tend to get hot and bothered by the small things in life.  Attitude is what mainly constitutes cool.  The singing group TIME, with Morris Day, has a supper cool song out called . . . Cool.


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