    Colorado has gone Green......

    As of Jan. 1 Colorado is the first state of the U.S. to permit the sale and use of Marijuana for recreational purposes --- do you think Legalising Grass is the way to go?

    +9  Views: 2415 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    14 Answers

    It will not be a worse addiction than alcohol, nor tobacco, nor prescription drugs. Because it is "no worse than", does that mean we should add it to the list of "legal ways to ruin your life"? Law makers (vote-getters) go along with whatever the majority is crying for....always!  In my opinion, it is a very harmful step but I suppose that being spaced out, is much easier than dealing with real life. Sad.


    I am certainly with you on this one Ducky.I couldn't agree more.Well said!

    Duckie - you would be amazed at the number of Doctors and lawyers kept going by a steady stream of cocaine and, in some cases heroin. They can afford the drug barons. The drug users are generally unemployed, but are compelled to spend all their time and ingenuity securing the next fix. Which means burgling our houses, stealing our wallets or knicking kids phones. The drugs could be sold at a reasonable price and in a controlled setting. The assumption is that being on drugs makes you useless for any kind of proper work.
    This is not true. There is no reason why plenty addicts couldn't do a proper job. Victorian writiers and poets were heroin addicts who could afford their fix along with the lawyers, Doctors, Stockbrokers, People in Parliament etc. A few dealers might stick around for pop stars, celebritie, bankers etc. The dealers whose customers are the young and poor are the danger , and they simply won't stay in business if their only remaining market is children with pocket money to spend. There is also the domestic junkie who buy opiates etc. over the counter.

    Sorry Poppy but I have little or no respect for any kind of recreational drug user and their suppliers are even lower on the dirt scale.

    Tommyh - did I say I had respect with for drug users. Legalisation of illegal drugs was preposed here way back in 2002. It was thought that there would be few parties that would dare think about this radical move needed to make this possible. A glimmer of sense entered the drug cataclysm which is ruining much of life in this country. Medically supervised to anyone over 18 years and a requested interview with a Doctor. Sounds wacky (excuse the pun) or even insane and to have licensed premises not to continue using these hard drugs but with help to stop -preventative help so little is done is this regard. Almost all crime committed today is drug related. I am not here to condemm or condone, just an opinion - it is part of humanity.

    What the population demands will, sooner or later, be "legalized, licensed and controlled". Unfortunately, legalized and licensed will happen. Then comes law enforcement stating, "We can no longer keep this problem under control." Why must we humans have our minds dulled by any substance in the first place? And why would I be surprised that doctors and lawyers are also addicts? People can be highly educated and still stupid!

    Ducky - Yeap no surprise - this is the usual response. London has a population of an estimated 8 million as opposed to the population of Australia being an estimated 22.98 million. I guess in a way this changes the perspective somewhat. There are many people who could be called stupid for many reasons and addiction is not only found in substances legal or otherwise. I was not saying lawyers and Doctors because they were highly educated - I was thinking and have said it is generally thought it is the unemployed and poor. There are also circumstances and part of the human condition to enjoy mind altering drugs Always has been hence the prosperity of the great, tobacco, brewing and distilling dynasties. So many times there are ligitamate reasons behind addiction. Anti-depressants etc. are mind altering drugs but can prove to be life saving to those who suffer and there are thousands and thousands of people suffering from depression which they are unable to resolve themselves some having endogenous depression - meaning they do not know why and cannot find a cause. Depression endogenous or exongenous(reactive depression) or other forms can be extremely debiliting and devastating - many people do not understand this. Why I friend of mine whom I have known for many years told me she takes antidepressants and has done for years another friend of mine when I was visiting my sick Mum seems not so well one day and she said to me I have not been taking my antidepressant - I again had no idea she was taking these. I was at the time also thinking perhaps I need to take an antidepressant. My GP said how extremely common depression is and I have one but have not got round to taking it. It amazes me but it is understandable how people who are happy cannot envisage how it is for these people.

    Poppy, you seem to believe that I have no understanding of drug addiction and that I am just one very happy Australian? First, I am not Australian. Second, using street drugs to "get happy" and taking an antidepressant prescribed by a doctor, are two entirely different things. Third, I myself, went through a major (3 year) depression and took antidepressants during that time. I also don't believe that I must experience something first hand in order to "have some understanding" because fourth, many, myself included, have addicts in their circle of family and/or friends. My perspective makes sense to me. I still do not believe that giving society another legal way to destroy lives, makes any sense. Sorry but I cannot be convinced.

    Thank you for clearing that up Duckster & I'm with you all the way.You are just so much better at putting these views into words than I am.:)

    Thank you Tommy but I think that you do just fine!

    Ducky - I understand completely and I did not believe you were an Australian.

    I don't think it's any worse than smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. Although I've never tried it myself.

    There are benefits to all things put onto this earth. The secret is to use them wisely.


    That's all I'm saying.



    Now we know what's in your sporren. lol

    Never used it Mi laird, makes me sleepy.

    How do you know it makes you sleepy if you've never used it? :)

    I meant "regularly".
    Should've said that.

    Yeah...WAKE UP! LOL!!

    HEY! Did you hear me?


    See? Whaditellya?

    Chill Duck, CHILL!!!

    Gateway drug. I live in the land of the drug dealers. Yet another gang leader was murdered on January 2nd, 10 minutes from my house. They may as well legalize all of the drugs, at least then the problems which are caused will actually be paid for with their tax dollars... finally.

    Fishlet - you are right. There would be less people in prison,less crime on the streets. Why I have met some social workers who deal with families and children involved with drugs saying what they are deperate for (having worked in this for a few years in this cat and mouse situation - and seen the devastation caused over drugs) is to be out of a job. Approaching this a different way. Of course this too is a mammoth task but as you say the drugs would be cheaper and the money could be reaped from the dealers indirectly.

    ‘Bout time someone recognized the benefits………..

    Legalizing only gets it closer to the hands of kids, who do not have a real value system to make an informed choice yet.  And it burns you out, I have a brother-in-law who is a habitual user, and I would not want him watching a pet, let alone doing any work with safety issues, etc. 


    I do agree Colleen, there's always the exception to the rule.

    I don't see a problem with it.Hard liquor is legal, and that can destroy brain cells just as much.I have seen more damage caused to ones self and families through alcohol consumption.Put it this way, I would rather be in the company of a pot smoker than someone drunk.


    I agree Pyth with the alcohol violence sweeping the country, pot is sedative.

    Lovely. I bet there will be more sedated drivers on the road than drunk drivers.

    Colleen, obviously you would not drive whilst under the influence just like alcohol. as you know, there are always those that buck the system.--- the grass users would stand out doing 5 mph on the freeway, an accident waiting to happen.

    I sure agree with that, Bulletman. My husband drove across town many years ago, He was driving really s--l--o--w. After we got home I asked him why he drove like that.
    He thought the police were after him. He hasn't touched Marijuana since.
    pythonlover, I have seen problems to families and individuals through alcohol use.

    We have a legal limit for alcohol (.08) and a pretty much fail-proof way to measure that.  What's going to be the legal limit for pot and how is it going to be measured? 
    From personal experience, ME driving after smoking/ingesting pot is a very bad idea. I know enough to stay away from the steering wheel.  My fear is that far too many will not.


    The limit here is 0.05, R.B.T's are set up to catch driver's on drugs as well as alcohol, it works.

    Even if it could be measured, that takes more police officers. Most places are complaining that they are under staffed now. I believe that it's a "no-win law" and I also know that Canada will follow along...we always do!

    bulletman, how is the measure of pot tested to determine if one is too impaired to drive?
    Ducky, my youngest is a big pot smoker. He seems to be very conscientious behind the wheel, but I still DO (corrected) think driving under the influence of anything is risky. What does Canada really think about legalization?

    I would not have a clue, i have never been picked up for either, what i do know the R.B.T.'s do a blood test, i have to sayMsBob i do not agree with your statement regarding your son driving under the influence of grass, it is extremely dangerous, i certainly would not be a passenger by a driver who had been smoking pot or alcohol, neither should you, i'm telling you as a friend.

    You "don't think driving under the influence of anything is risky" or you meant to say you do?
    Canada is debating this issue all the time too.

    DO be do be do be do beeeee

    Are you having fun tonight Bob? lol

    Peanut just climbed into my lap and is pushing the laptop OFF my lap. I'm going to say goodnight and let her have the whole (and considerably large) area for herself tonight. :D

    Bob - this would all be taken care of with legalising drugs as there will be a way of monitoring drivers and a penalty which there is when caught. Blood and urine tests will tell and perhaps these will used in fact they are but if the drugs are legalised the amounts will be controlled - just a dipstick is sufficient. Sounds idealistic and naive perhaps but if the organisation and effor is put in positively - there should be a noticeable difference. The thing about marijuana it can cause tremendous paranoia in large doses - shaking and fear - nobody could or feel inclined to drive like this.

    Bob I know there are legal limits here regarding driving and alchol but drugs are an unknown quantity and perhaps there will be some advancement in this although there effects are totally different. It is certainly unwise and in fact should not be done driving under the limits of alcohol but driving under the drugs I would say a most definite no no. Even when they can decifer the levels. Easier to do when controlled.

    There are only a fraction of impaired drivers arrested on an annual basis. To increase the number of people driving under the influence of something will not substantially produce more arrests/revenue, but I'd bet there will be more accidents and close calls to them.
    I don't want high people on my streets and highways

    If people choose to drink or drug themselves to death, that free will choice, will allow them to do that. BUT....stay off the roads, so you don't kill OTHER people!

    It comes under that old heading Kent..."Only in America".At least it's still illegal to smoke it in public.


    Only in America? What about Canada? It's legal to use there in certain areas. What about Amsterdam? I believe we only have 2 states out of 50 that now allow recreational use.

    Recreational use of marijuana is ILLEGAL in Canada!

    I know someone in Calgary who said it is legal in small amounts and can only be used in specified areas.

    The police may turn a blind eye but "someone in Calgary" is wrong.

    OK. Was only going by what I was told. So that leaves Amsterdam that I know of.

    That was a tongue in cheek comment made by me to another Aussie.It's a well used saying here even if it isn't acurate.Kent knows what I mean.I betcha.

    Moderator's a well used saying in Canada as well, also by many Americans that I know. I've always assumed that it's a reference to North American in general and not a personal insult to the US of A! :)

    Certainly not intended as an insult Ducky.

    I know.

    Yes I think the tax on it would help lots of states. Do you think Colorado will take mail order requests?? LOL :)


    According to the American reporter, this was the deciding factor for the State of Colorado to permit the sale/use of Marijiuana- you know of course you can only purchace an 1/8 of an ounce from the dedicated shops.

    35 or 40 years ago an ounce of pot was quite pricey! I have no idea of the cost today, but I'll bet its WAY up there!

    Clu, i read that the shops at this stage are selling the eighth of an ounce around $30 - $50, which makes it quite expensive for an ounce, i remember an ounce in the sixties was around $10, it was not cheap at that time, i have no idea what it is today, i haven't bought/smoked it for 35 years, but it was pure not spiked/laced, no additives.

    It was a lot more than 10 bucks on the Gold Coast in the late 60s when the yanks were here on R & R. They would pay anything & there were plenty of people happy to accomodate them.

    Back in 73, my housemates and I bought a "lid" for $10. It was apparently acceptable stuff, according to the two guys who rolled 55 joints from that little bag....seems like we got a really good deal....didn't like it then, either. My housemates were so paranoid, they insisted we smoke in the windowless bathroom. Perched on the rim of the tub, certain the FBI CIA, and DEA were right outside our front door.

    On my birthday ten years ago one of the women I wrote with brought some "stuff" I did not like it at all. I worried that the smell of smoke would go up the chimney or crawl under the door. Terrible experience. My entire family has the same reaction to pot. I think we have a genetic flaw ... or something. : )
    The medical Marijuana I have now comes in a lovely little chocolate bar. I wish I could benefit from it but alas ...

    My son "thrives" on it; I find it distasteful, and so do his brothers. Several years ago, I had the medical card and considered starting my own grow and dispensary. Had a renter who was a maniac and couldn't be trusted, couldn't find ANY place in the valley who would extend me a business license, and the idea fell by the wayside. My partners were pretty much a-holes, too. Glad it never materialized, though we got close.

    No, not for recreational use. 


    You've never tried Marijuana, not even in private?

    No, never. Never felt the urge to try it.

    I have a license for medical Marijuana in California. I don't like it. It makes me more aware of the pain in my neck and back.

    My dad and his two brothers were alcoholics. I know well what alcohol can and does do to a family. Marijuana is a peaceful medicine. It doesn't cause bar brawls or real bad stuff. Marijuana should be legalized for recreation absolutely. ABSOLUTELY.



    I know what you are saying Itsmee, as a mate of mine was diagnosed with having MS, he was giving Prescibed Marijuana to cope with extreme depression because of the MS, it helped a lot until his death.

    I don't want my loved ones to be driving the highways with others who are drunk nor "peaceful" (half drugged) nor "laughing and laughing". I prefer drivers who have clear minds and are not taking a known risk of killing themselves or others! A van load of dead people IS "real bad stuff", and it DOES happen...everyday...somewhere!

    Marijuana affects everyone differently. I've seen people get angry after using it. You can not claim it is a peaceful medicine. Some people can not handle it though they still use it. Same as alcohol users who can not handle the alcohol.

    Well said Colleen.I have seen what people will do to get it.That part of it is bad enough.At least that is one part of legalisation that I agree with.

    Dear Ducky,
    You might say I'm an "easy laugher" Sometimes when just reading the responses on akaQA I can "laugh and laugh." During MY laughing I maintain control of myself .... Ooooooh gotta run. LOL.

    That settles it. I'm moving to Denver 'n git m'self sum uh dat grass an' guns. Lots of 'em guns!


    Yee haw!!!

    Can I come too???
    Yippety kai Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

    Get your passports in order and make some reservations, boys. Love to have you in the sunshine state when you've had enough of the High/Mile High city

    When did you move to Florida,Bob ?

    Oh, shoot; what is California? The GOLDEN state. Lived here all my life and don't know that. What a dunce.

    ...and it took a foreigner to correct you !

    Either you are really the smartest person here, or the only one paying attention to my comments! Or both.

    I'll take door number 3.

    You've won a week at a fabulous villa in Italy!

    From which eastern Canadian int'l airport does my all-inclusive vacation commence from?

    You are assuming; BIG mistake :D (although my plan is for 2 weeks in Italy in July, as mentioned in previous answers)

    Bulletman - I tried it once in California - at a party - the joint being just passed around just a puff - didn't do much for me. An American doctor in London, once brought some stuff which we smoked through a pipe didn't need much of this I was conked out on a bed - just couldn't move quite something going on in the room but I was catatonic - just could not escape. However, I feel all illegal drugs should be legalised and monitored. If a person has the gene which predisposes them to schizophrenia - too much marijuana can tip them over the edge happenned to a friend of mine also the paranoia incredible. Legalisation would cut out the pushers and prevent it being cut with other junk. A friend of mine used it for his asthma. Once, a Jamaican couple in their 70/80's when I asked them if they smoked the answer "Yes, you know" I said "You don't" they said "We grow it, would you like some?  - we will bring you some" I laughed so much of course not recorded.    


    Oh Poppy, I smoked "something" in my 20's. I thought it was pot. I sat Indian style on the floor and I started going very slowly to the side down to the floor heater. It was hot and I enjoyed the feeling. I was unable to move. In other words, I experienced Catatonia. A friend came and patted me on the shoulder and it felt like I broke up into a hundred little pieces. I wonder if that means I'm predisposed to Catatonia? Of course, there's the Paranoia and the smoke floating up the chimney. It's not my drug of choice but I have seen and heard of it helping people with various medical conditions.

    itsmee - you are so OK - no catatonia - this time though I do not think for me this was dope - it was some kind of dope dopex

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