If you're just going to keep answering your own questions, why bother to ask others what the answer is? I think with my brain my way, not your way thanks. I'm not a sci-fi movie watcher trying to figure out the story writer's reason for the story they wrote. I deal with reality, not make believe monsters.
1 Answer
The politicians and government leaders.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Yes, really them. If it weren't for their greed and indifference, they could have saved more people and spent money finding ways to kill the Kaijus. This is how they would be in real life too. Politicians are greedy, money grabbing cowards. PS, I never watched the movie. I just took the tine to read about it so I could attempt to give you an answer. What is your answer to the question since you think my answer is wrong? I at least gave a valid argument for my answer.
na.. the thing u said is there in the movie.. but the kaijus r showed somthing life the natural calamities.. example sunami,earthquakes or smthing.. but i want to know specifically.. fourth dimension.. anyways Colleen thank u for the ans
You're too heavy into sci-fi. There are no monsters running around causing natural disasters. They are called "natural" for a reason ;) As for 4th dimension, it's pretty much anyone's guess as I do not believe anyone living has been there.
You're the one who tagged the question with
"international politics". Seems I'm more correct than you think.
"international politics". Seems I'm more correct than you think.
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this thinking leads to> the kaijus are the monsters in the movie..this movie pacific rims has a significance.. which is what acctually like the natural disasters happens in cost lands.. please hit this thinking in your brain and please explain
natural calamities causes disaster as like monsters.. i meant to say that.
This is way above my head - what Colleen has says makes sense - Who/What are these monsters you speak of - perhaps you could say what they specifically do/have done,what they look like and when seen - this would be enlightning - or perhaps opening a can of worms