    How do I turn off these salesmen that take over my internet with there sales pitch like buzzquote

    I click I click on a box and it takes over my computer I cannot shut it off I can I can call it spam  in my mail mail but is still continues is no way of shutting an opposite shutting my computer down and restarting I wonder if you have an answer to this. There are several sales pitches like that on the Internet and they represent themselves of one thing in the end up being something else.


    0  Views: 849 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    On your browser, go to tools then addons, extensions or plugins (it depends on the browser you use as to what it is called. Look for anything you do not recognize and disable it.

    Or you could have downloaded a browser/search engine that is causing this. You will have to check the add/remove programs page and look for any unfamiliar browsers and uninstall them.

    If those options do not work, you may have a maleware infection.  You will need malwarebytes to try and remove it. Use the free version download > 


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