    if my daughter is having a destination wedding should we have a wedding shower for her

    0  Views: 534 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    What is a destination wedding? 

    If you want to throw her a shower go for it. Just get her list of people she will be inviting to the wedding and send them shower invites. 


    a destination wedding is where the lucky couple gets married in a ritsy, resorty place....or up on a high hill over looking Lake Mich,,or the ocean. The wedding party and all the guests are expected to go truckin' out to Las Vegas, or Hawaii, or Mexico,etc. You get the picture.

    If you have a destination wedding I think the inviting couple (bride and groom) should pay all the guests way!

    Sure . You could have it at  your house before everybody leaves for Las Vegas, Hawaii or Mexico, or whereever the wedding is going to be. But, if they've been living together, for some time, it's best not to give them small appliances and silverware.Give them money.That's what they they can have a nice honeymoon

    HINT :  The mother, or the sister is NEVER supposed to give the shower. It's in bad form .Ask a cousin or a friend. Then pay them for the food they bought and help them cook and bake; unless you have it in a hall.Then, still pay them for it.


    Start a fund for the divorce lawyers........ etc.

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