    Should you make a five year old eat…….

    I have a five year old grandson that doesn't want to eat what is on his plate, even if it's what he wants and likes. He will be the last one at the table and you have to keep telling him to eat, he is not given that much to eat and he says he's hungry before meal time.

    +5  Views: 1990 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    I'm so fussy about food if anybody forced me to eat I'd barf.
    I hear tell that a waitress told me that I couldn't have any jello if I didn't clean my plate. I had a total melt down. Kicked my feet. Screamed. My mom was furious with the waitress. I had never heard such a thing. I was about 3, I think. I'd still do it. : ) Good luck.
    ps: I LOVED vegetables, especially if they were fresh outta the garden.

    9 Answers

    my grandma said little boys don't eat well till they're seven. Sure enough......she said that b/c my brother , when he was 4 and 5 , he would only eat like 1/2 a piece of toast in the morning. Then when he was 7, he really took off with his eating.When he was a teen, he ate us out of house and home. When my step-grandson was in the 5th grade, we took them to a buffet restaurant. He ate a lot of chicken wings, and other food, then a big plate of spaghetti.Then, he made himself a huge hot -fudge sundae type desert with  everything on it. And when he was that age, he could eat a whole steak. And about 5 tacos. He was always very skinny. He's 30 now, and has put on a little weight.


    When my son was 15-16, I'd grocery shop and spend maybe $200.00. He'd look in the refrigerator and say, "There's nothing in here to eat"

    Ritual dining 3 square meals a day and all on your plate leads to obesity. However I managed to get by with paper napkins when the grease was thick and the occasion social. Dodging food for a five Y.O. is normal. Learning how you will react to “no” is the game having nothing to do with what’s on their plate. Children test parrents for reactionary responses from birth to….the end of days. Read Developmental Psychology and stop pretending to be in charge…the kid is in charge.      

    Headless Man

    I will negotiate but the kid is not in charge at grandpa's house.

    The kid has a button box and will press every button there is to see what works and what doesn’t work. Kids love reactive behavior in adults…so you didn’t play as the kids robot?

    Kids have a button box. Funny. True!

    My son’s foster mother worked under the assumption that if they were hungry enough, they would eat or not eat at all.  We weren’t allowed down from the table unless we ate.  Depends……..

    Headless Man

    He will get hungry, but only eat maybe half of a sandwich and is full, he is healthy but is below adv. in size.

    Just wait until he’s a teen……..
    Headless Man

    LOL yea there's a few of them too.

    Maybe he does not want people to watch him eat! Offer him a small table or an away spot for himself. I have no idea if this will work but you never know!

    Headless Man

    Tried that he just sits there.

    Ok But I think he will eat enough to stay alive! When he is about 15 or 16 you will be wishing for these slim days!
    Headless Man


    Since it IS food he likes, maybe he could decide how much goes on his plate, with the understanding that he eats what he asks to be given.  As far as nagging him, STOP IT!  My son STILL says he'll be contrary JUST because he doesn't want anyone to think (s)he can tell him what to do.  Don't give him so much negative attention, and don't focus the meal on him eating.  Talk about what happened today, what's going on with family and friends, and any special things coming up.  GOOD LUCK!!

    Headless Man

    Thats the problem he wants to talk instead of eating….lol

    Your question didn't address the fact that he would rather talk than eat. I stand by my suggestion, and would also suggest people converse with him instead of telling him to (be quiet and ?) eat. In about 10 years, he won't want to talk to anybody sitting at the family table.

    I don't believe any child should be forced to eat food they don't like. Offer it. Let it be on their plate for awhile. Remove it.  Remind them that there will be no desert if they do not eat the string beans or asparagus.  


    My parents used food bribery, negations and penalties to aid in asserting their vision of reality too.

    Do you think "No desert if you don't eat some green beans" is bribery? I think it's incentive.

    At least that is a choice…better than “ Eat everything on your plate or I will make you eat it(forcefully)”. Resistance is futile…so what lesson is learned….do as they say politely and when you can leave, do leave and explain nothing. That was the lesson I learned and applied.
    Headless Man

    I don't give him more than he wants but he will still be at the table when everyone is done, so we leave him by himself and usually he will get done eventually.

    Randy, if he is "happy" to sit and finish his meal all by himself, you don't really have a big problem. He engages in conversation, he eats his food...eventually; he sounds like a neat little kid. Let it go.

    If he's hungry before mealtime, then why not feed him when he's hungry. Could make all the difference in the world and it certainly can't hurt.

    Headless Man I love this question, because I love questions about kids, because I love kids. We grown people could learn a lot by really observing children.  They possess a natural truth a wisdom that most of us grown ups have long lost. We all know we grown people eat and drink all sorts of things that we know are bad or us.  We grown ups mix foods that should not be eaten together.  We grown ups smoke, overeat, over drink.  Children, on the other hand sensor themselves.  They test what their bodies like and can tolerate.  We should give them the leeway to learn about food from their own wisdom and experience.  The grown ups job is to make sure the food we put before them is healthy. And if they are picky eaters, they are picking from only good food.  Kids that are forced to eat everything develop eating disorders, are often obese and sometimes have low self esteem. Good luck. Lolove


    short answer mate  yes    ,you are only a few years older than me,,as a child i was taught to eat whatever was put in front of me ,,when i was a child the adults were in charge,,,but you are debating if the child should be in charge,,it is not just about food,,the kid has to earn his strips,then he becomes older enough to make his own mind up..if the ground work has not been done,,,the grown up kid will fall over,,nice talking Randy,,,bye the way ,have you been away for awhile  ,,don't think i have seen you around for awhile,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Headless Man

    I don't get back much life is keeping me busy, but thats a good thing…..

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