    How do i make the room seem bigger?

    I don't have a room with door and all that, i have a place where some of my stuff is, and i want to make it nice, and i want to make so i want to be there. But how?                                          Size: about, 2x3 meters.

    0  Views: 1134 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    A picture of the area may help.

    Why exactly are you living in a hallway?

    I'm 14, and we don't have enough rooms, my brother have the only room "leftover", and i have my stuff in a hallway between his room and the bedroom.

    If you live in the USA, don't let the dept of child and youth services find out. Kids have to have bedrooms with doors in this country. Your parents could lose custody of you and your brother.

    8 Answers

    Good tips here...





    Thanks, it's just hard to do these things because it's kinda like a hallway from the stairs to the bedroom, so there is really not much space..... But thanks for it anyway!

    I would throw a few big pillows on the floor and Mirrors on the walls. On the other wall a few pictures of landscapes or maybe photos of your family!  Maybe a basket of magazines or small towels.  Maybe a little stuffed animal . It depends on your choice or family likes and what you want people to see when they enter YOUR room.  Make it like a mini invitation. Come on in! Relax! Enjoy!


    Have you ever seen any of those tiny mini houses? It is suprizing what will fit in a tiny space! Look at some camping trailers. Many of them are as small as this person describes. By my calculations the hall is 7x9 foot.

    Love your answers, clu. (i didn't copy. : ) )

    Add large mirrors for larger look of the room or hallway. 


    Yes, LARGE mirros.

    You must have a door or window, or there would be no entry. 
    I would be careful not to put much into the room. A chair and small side table with an adequate lamp.  A matching/comparable chair if you need extra seating. If you have to use it for storing things, a simple rack (I like the steel ones; they are really strong) with items in labeled baskets.  You could get a color scheme going for the baskets (I like red, white, black, and gray together).  A mirror always makes a room look bigger.  Wall hangings should be size-appropriate to the room.  

    OK, now I see what you wrote to ROMOS about the "room".
    Forget the mirror. 

    ""Here's a thought...


    There's no door, it's a room when you come up from the stairs.

    Yes, I noticed that after I posted my answer; I am picturing a "landing" that is large enough to utilize. I hope you've been able to incorporate some of the ideas presented here.

    put some decorative mirrors on the wall. Throw some colorful pillow around. Don't have much furniture or knick-knacks.

    Mirrors on ALL walls...make sure they are all at the same angle...(level)...Proper creative lighting will set it all into the effect that you are looking for...Think Big! 

    Prison is easier to effectively decorate and make “Homey”. If all you have is space to store your stuff…I would move my stuff to where I could lock it and camp out. Making your own space depends on the prospects. A hall between a toilet and stairs is not more than a one-nighter.  


    her "room " sounds smaller than a jail cell.
    terryfossil 1

    you ever seen a jail cell mcm ??????????

    Get rid of all pieces that aren't essential. Put up as many mirrors as you can. They double space. My home is FULL of mirrors and it looks nice. I'd paint it a color you love ~ maybe just one wall. The other walls a lighter shade. Fresh flowers and plants don't get in the way and will give your room a new lease on life. Play music. Make the space smell wonderful - like Pumpkin pie, maybe.  I have a friend who's an artist and she says, "There's no such thing as an unattractive room." Read up on small rooms. The library has plenty of magazines and they're all free. It would be great if you would paint your very own design for the walls. You're on the way ... you'll love your space.

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