4 Answers
Two years? It's time to create a new life. Join a group to which you have never belonged. Try a new hobby. Join a gym. Take up a new sport. Try an art class. Take up jogging. Read a book. Change jobs. Move to another city. Visit a city that you've never seen. Plan an exciting trip. Take up a volunteer job or two. Oh, and every time you start dwelling on the past, slap yourself!!!
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

What are BSME and BSN?
My gut instinct tells me you have created her as "perfect" in your own mind, and have forgotten flaws or personality glitches. Sit yourself down and get tough while you remember the times you spent together. Frankly, if you don't have the "wealth" you say she needs, getting over the greedy wench should be a little easier. If she sells out for money, well, there are a lot of names for a woman like that, none of them complimentary.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Ching, I know it's very tough to get your heart broken.And it's nerve wracking to go to a social event where she might be.......like at a wedding.......b/c you're afraid of seeing her talking to other guys and dancing with other guys. Maybe if you act aloof and act like she's not there, she will notice you. Try not to look at her too much.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |