1 Answer
Sounds like someone has a term paper to do? Hope you have been collecting information for your topic.
An outline will give you the logical progression of information you want to impart. Each main topic will be the beginning of a new section, or at least paragraph. It's a switch to a new viewpoint.
The introductory paragraph should NOT say something like, "This papers is about xxxxxx. I'm going to tell you about (A), (B), and (C)" Your introductory paragraph can be an illustration or anecdote about the topic. The first sentence of your NEXT paragraph will open the discussion in your paper.
There are many websites that can give you guidance, some probably even have live help available. Look for those sites.
Sample intro paragraph: Start with story/illustration, then dive into topic: Snakes
One afternoon, my sons were playing in our backyard. They ran around the fenced yard, laughing and filled my heart with gladness. One brushed past a juniper bush that grew tall and thin. Suddenly, a snake emerged about eye level with my toddler, and he let out a scream that chills me today just remembering it. I battled the beast with a big red plastic bat and cut off its unconscious head with a spade. When their daddy got home, he informed me the deceased reptile was a harmless gopher snake.
Not all snakes are harmless, though, and that gopher snake rattled his tail like the infamous rattlesnakes we read about and never want to meet. (BLAH BLAH BLAH)
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |