    How did you survive Christamas without power due to the ice storm last weekend. Share some of the struggles experienced.

    0  Views: 935 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    Never happened where I live mate, the weather is horrible and cold but no power cuts yet, still a bit hungover, I hope you're OK now?

    We had great weather here in Southern New England, US, last weekend temps near 60 F.  This weekend may warm back up again.  last couple of days cold, light snow now, none on ground yet. 

    Details at 11pm...

    I’ve only gone through rolling power outages once in my life. When they hit me, the gas heater was already on so we melted. This past xmas was beautiful as only Texas can be…...

    I had power at the time you are speaking of however a couple weeks ago we had no power for 4 days! We borrowed a generator to run the refrigerator and freezer! We have a wood burner so we had heat, however we had to haul water for toilet flushing and wash ups! Drank bottled water. We reheated soups and other things previously frozen and made coffee on a tiny burner. This was not fun and I'm so glad for now all is well!  Hope your power is back and that you are safe!

    We are having a heat wave in Central California, but many years ago, an earthquake in Northern California (where I lived at the time) left us without power for about 5 days. I came home from work one day and found my roommate/boyfriend on the little porch of our single wide (w/pop-out living room) barbecuing all the meat that had defrosted....and it was A LOT of stuff!   Ice chest, lots of blankets and cuddling.  :D

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