    What did Santa bring you?

    +8  Views: 2117 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    A large blow up doll,but i have no cycle pump yet,


    Hope that works out for you, Dennis. Enjoy? How festive!

    IMAGINE Dougal!!!!

    I hope you've got plenty of puff Dennis.

    how voluminous she is will be determined by his lung health. Take some antibiotics now, so when she is inflated, she is "full"!

    Inflate her with a compessor then you can have any size you want.:)

    I Will have to take her to the local Garage,ill try 28 psi,to start with,

    I would recommend 30-32psi depending on how firm or soft she should be... If she is the heavy duty model, you can push it to 34-36 psi! She would then be youthful!

    hector,You're hilarious.LOL . I would like a life-sized blow up man, so I could put him on my couch to make burglars think there is a man here. Or, to put in my car with me, to make car jackers think that I'm with a man. LOL

    I like the color of her dress---on that pic. It matches her hair.I bet she got a lot of fan mail.

    What`s that expression...You can`t have your cake and eat it!!;-) lol xx

    Unromantic but a kitchen timer and some silicon utensils. Santa was poor.  I got Santa a tablet…..


    A tablet? Boy you give nice prezzies.You wouldn't believe it but our washing machine just carked it.We've had it for 20 years.If i had known itwasn't gunna last I would never have bought it.LOL,looks like santa will be up for a new one.:(

    How awful! And you have family there? Well, get the newest and most trusted and good luck to you and yours……..

    It's all good Julie,I fixed it.PHEW!It's Boxing day here.All quiet on the Western Front.(As they say)/Everybody's gone home,The kids have gone for a drive up the Coast with their parents to see their Great Grand Mama.I'm left with the clean up after yesterday but it's all worth it.Everyone had a wonderful time.Hope you get your tablet working.I wish I could help but I have no idea.LOL

    “Boxing Day”? That’s a British thing, isn’t it? I have no idea what it’s about……….

    And Aussie.It's a public holiday following Xmas.The day you pack everything back into boxes.(I think).I forgot you guys don't celebrate it.It's an excellent hangover cure.(For those that over indulge).

    Tommy is that really what Boxing Day is about? I also do not know the particulars of the holiday.

    Doesn’t the day mean the employees get the bosses to work for them?

    Boxing Day tomorrow (Dec. 26th) in Canada as well.

    We have boxing day here, too, Julie. It's when all the post-Christmas shoppers burst into stores and start beating on each other to get to the best deals. Boxing, pushing, shoving, know.

    Oh! I never knew the name. I’m broke by Christmas so I never had the chance to “box”……….

    It began in england hundreds of years ago when the servants & staff were given a "box" the day after Xmas actually.I think there was a bit of re-gifting going on even back then.LOL

    I've only heard of boxing day in reference to Canada.But, was surprized last year when my cousin's daugher mentioned it.But, they live in N.E. Michigan.So they must do it there on the 26th.What is means is.....on the 26th, you box up all the stuff you don't want and give it to charity or somebody who needs it.

    what kind of tablet?..a Sedative?! :-)

    Wine, chocolate, and some new fence panels which I really needed as my fences blew down in the recent gales we had.


    I Would give you a hand to put them up,But the old back is playing up,sunnyB,

    Oh thanks Dennis you are so kind, you put your feet up and have a few tipples, you will feel better in a few days. In the meantime I'll get these panels up.

    And he's out of breath anyway from blowing his doll up.LOL

    Merry Xmas Tom, you would not believe this, my grand kids gave me a 2 1/2 Kg's tub of Vegemite, i was in my element, av' a good one. :)


    Two & a half Kilos.WOW! That should last you the week.LOL

    Bullet do you use it sparingly, and on what do you put it, toast? sandwiches? We tried it on our trip to Queensland, most of my family did not like it, I tolerated it o.k. but have never bought it here in US.

    Tom, i figured it would last me around a month or two, and Ray, i spread it fairly thick on Toast, sandwiches, crumpets, jatz bisciuts etc, it is a required taste usually starting from a baby, it tastes nothing like Marmite or any other similar product.

    I think it was malty and salty, not bad, used on toast. As the relatives in Aus. said, we use it like you do "peanut paste" (peanut butter) to us...

    Marmite`s better!!..YUM!:-)

    Obviously, Millie you have never tried the Real Thing, Vegemite, puts hairs on your chest. lol.

    To be fair bullet..have never tried vegemite..I was a Marmite baby...but won`t knock it until I try it...where to get in U.k?..?send me a jar?! xx

    Millie, i picked up a jar in a supermarket whilst i was there, (i forgot to pack it), it is expensive o/s, cost me 4 quid for a small jar, if you like Marmite, i don't think you would like Vegemite, the taste is completely different.

    @Bullet..i`ll try anything once!!LOL...WELL almost sounds the same as it the same as marmite in that you either LOVE it or you HATE IT??? x

    Millie, it is a hate or love spread, just ask anyone who has tried it who is not an Aussie, on you tube there is an American with a short film on Vegemite, it is quite funny see him throw up.

    Eclectic, as usual. $50 gas card, red wool hat, macadamia nut popcorn, caramel macchiato mix (for my Keurig), electric tea kettle (which I am very excited about), $20 gift card to one of my very favorite stores. My other gift is lunch and bowling with my middle son. 
    The best gift was spending the day with family AND friends, only missed my eldest and his little ones. I hope he had a nice day. 


    MsBob, with the prices the way they are what can you get with a$20 gift card, a $100 card would be more like it. :)

    One of my favorite stores. I'll have a great time with $20. I'm thankful!


    As long as your satisfied thats all that counts.:)

    It was a generous gift, if you knew the source. None of us have hundreds to spend on friends

    bullet, there are always sales goin' on.

    Mycatsmom, i remember when i was in LA, they had a white sale,the day after xmas day, it was fantastic, suits up to 75% off, they were genuine sales, i was going to purchace a stetson as a souvenir, till i saw where it was made, R.M.Williams - Australia, gave it a miss, i did go berserk thou, i saved a lot of money.:)

    A sleepover at daughter's and presents with 2 of the grandkids.  So much fun.  Also a few tools and a certificate for airline tickets.  We will have second batch of holiday this weekend with son and his family, with daughter joining us.  So we double our fun!!


    Baseball, feetball ... swimming in the tank

    I got some money and I keep it in the bank.

    Totql surprise. 

    A Whole bunch of bills which I`M STILL PAYING OFF!!:-¬

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