5 Answers
My network news would only present verifiable and fact-checked news, not supped-up into ridiculous lies.
I like nature, not hunting or fishing but I have enjoyed relationships with many critters that clearly expressed interest, humor and fascination when not threatened…and mutual respect as well.
Consumer’s reports has many interesting background reportable, clearer understandings that need to be posted.
I like to repair my own appliances and recycle everything I can including plastic.
Self-sufficiency is a way of life for many and our numbers are growing.
Law is a daunting challenge unless you can reduce its stacks into clear, easily read, briefed documentation. A million pages of a finance bill could be presented differently. For starters fig hurler.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
My network would have no violence, no sex, no swearing, no DNA testing, no reality shows, no....oh wait a minute. My network would shut down in a month!
Well maybe 24-hour news....no, that gets too repetitive.
How about just sports....no, I don't like ALL sports.
I guess I just can't operate a network figtree. Sorry. :)
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Comedy, Music, Drama, How-To, Educational (children, youth, adults)
It would be nice to have no need for censorship of the shows, as they would be free of sexual innuendo, perversion, and vulgar language. I think it would be really nice to have shows like Ed Sullivan, Dean Martin, Carol Burnett, Red Skelton, etc. as part of the lineup. I'd look for Lawrence Welk and Dick Clark types of shows.
National Geographic, History, for sure. Classic movies (again, w/o gratuitous sex and violence).
News would focus on positive stuff going on in the world.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Let's add some game shows, too, ones where people aren't humiliated.
Educational, including a live akaQA show.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
It could be a call in show. All of us could answer in turn by random order.