    what is the best cure for prostate cancer

    +1  Views: 1707 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    See a doctor. Depending on what stage the cancer is in, the doctor will recommend the best action for treatment. Sometimes sadly, the cancer can not be cured. 

    Bebs - it very much depends on age and when the cancer was diagnosed - as quite often the person dies with the cancer and not because of it i.e. prostate cancer. As Colleen says check this out with your Medical Adviser be it General Practioner or Consultant - definitely needs referring to a Consultant without question - to determine the stage and histology depending on the age of the person. Good luck with this - survival rates can be pretty good.   

    There are many options for treatment of prostrate cancer, not the least of which is removal of the prostrate, radiation, chemotherapy.  

    One of our (missed by me) members here has been in remission for quite some time following an alternative form of treatment. 

    As recommended by others, discuss with your physician /oncologist the best course of treatment for you.

    As the others stated, depends what stage.  As a prostate cancer survivor, I waited 'almost' too late, mine was aggressive and had to be removed, surgery did not do the job so I then had radiation.  That was in 2009.  As of this point in time my PSA is 0.00.  Means I am cured.

    If you know someone with prostate cancer, it really depends on their age as well, Prostate cancer is very slow growing and many men die 'with it' as opposed to 'of it'. Called 'watchful waiting'.  If the person is young then it depends on how far along the cancer has gone on.  If given the option of surgery or radiation, choose surgery first because if the radiation is chosen first and it fails, surgery will not be performed due to severe scaring in the prostate bed area. so then there is but one option left, Hormone treatment'.  (androgen deprivation) Turns you into a eunuch.

    As for prevention of prostate cancer, I see many claims on the market but none are proven, prostate cancer in men is common and if you live long enough, you will get it. However, it is not always the kiss of death.  it can be cured and life will go on as normal.



    Mine is benign, coming out soon I hope, good on ye mate!

    Vinny - I agree with all you have said especially the surgery bit - far better. It is a shame but not enough people request PSA's on Men around 50yrs. always thinking too young - I used to just request it on their blood forms not a problem - just another test - when they are already having blood tests. I am not sure about now but this message should be got across as it so important for early diagnosis.

    ROMOS - My neighbour has enlargement of his prostate and keeps going for curretage, dilatation etc. Also originally doing pee pee so frequently - I keep saying to him he should have it removed. Good luck with yours -never thought I would be saying that on here!

    Hospital at 10:30am pops,wish me luck and keep the lube overdone.

    ROMOS - Sacks of luck coming your way - You should be just fine - great surgeons in Scotland but as for the general NHS well need I say more at Great Ormond Street the Professor always recruited surgeons from Scotland especially those trained in Edinburgh - I'll be thinking of you xox Hey you - get to bed HUH.

    If Romos had a prostectomy, I don't expect to hear from him for at least 5 days. Let's not make him laugh, it hurts when you laugh. :)

    Good luck! Piece of cake-- (Sort of).

    Not for a wee while yet folks (On the "waiting" list)

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