    not a question - Happy Christmas to everyone, peace, joy and good health for the New Year.

    Great message but I wish everyone sacks of of joy and hugs for Christmas and every happiness for the New Year. I again will say how I like this site so much - great site. I will expand more later. I wish so much that humanity adhered to the Teaching of Jesus - the good morality - and I am agnostic!

    +7  Views: 1954 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    Same to you...but more of it!!!...(seriously...BEST WISHES TO YOU AND YOURS)


    wonderer - how you doing? - thank you so much xo So long since I have been here possible to forget people but not the experience of the site and people in general. Seriously - xo

    Right back attcha Poppy! 



    Colleen - thank you so - not sure about this as I do not understand technocology you are at at master at. But I have the messages - which I thank you for - it's just the tchnology I do not uunderstand. Lovely picture and many thanks to you - what does attcha mean I presume attached - I am so techno phobic - all the same BEST to you for the season and thereafter.

    LOL, "attcha"...slang for "at ya". "Right back at ya". Guess it's an American thing ;) The picture is easy. Just use a photo editing program. I use Photofiltre because I've found it to the the easiest one to work with and it has a lot of options other free programs do not have.

    Colleen - get it somewhat -but as you explained -right back at you - which explains - must say this is a highest amazing site for me which I find great people. facebook etc. Same with twitter - but always forget the bloody password but forget them. I am also afraid of bullying which seems to happen a lot but you seem to control to perfection.

    Thanks....same to you.

    AMEN Poppy and I hope these things for you too!!!!

    Have a great one pops, and a happy and prosperous new year too.

    ""Wishing you the joy of the Christmas season throughout your new year.


    Bob/PKB - oh my just so delicious, so cute.xo

    ""Thankyou Poppy, and all the best to you too.


    Pythonlover - you sweet girl - Please excuse me I have difficulty remembering everyone = but on the whole appreciate everyone hear. But do know you are part of my dears - so long since I have been here but I do know that. As I have said all the very best to you and even more as I remember how dear you were to me like so many but if you do not keep you miss out. xox0 but I know I absolutely appreciated you if that means anythins., ALl the very best to you and yours x0x0

    And a Happy Merry Christmas to you too poppy.

    "" you and yours Poppy3!!!      :)

    Same to you Hun xxxx

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