    we put to much salt in gravy what can we do?

    +1  Views: 665 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Try adding some raw potatoes, they'll soak up all the salt.


    The potato as ROMOS has suggested works well, but you can also add  a few pinches of sugar.  Do not overdue it because you do not want sweet gravy.

    (LOL...I also recommend Pyhonlover's suggestion as it's highly commended by a top contributor.)

    Add one or two peeled potatoes cut in half, the potato draws the salt out.

    Why had salt to any gravy you do not need to add it at all if you use stock cubes then you will have far too much salt make your own stock cubes with vegetables boil then simmer if you eat meat add bones  etc chicken bones  Ham bones boil and simmer for one hour strain and put in container then you have you own stock with no salt you can freeze this as well and to make your your gravy start with a pan add butter or marge melt then add flour stir into a roué then add your stock and it will be a light colour then you can add your meat juice if you are making meat if not add Bovril or a oxo cube or vegi mite   

    Yup...I speak from the potato works...AND you'll have more food to put the gravy on!!!Good Luck and Merry Christmas!!!.....

    We can tell you not to oversalt but it's too late already, you've learned your lesson. Do the potato trick and see if that doesn't help..........

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