7 Answers
Fish,porridge,chocolate biscuits.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
But the cooking shows have it with chocolate, in fact, I have tried, once. Not my choice too soon in future.
chocolate biscuits and porridge are both foreign words in the US. fyi What Oh what is a chocolate biscuit? I can just hear your wife "Would you care for a chocolate biscuit with your porridge, Tommykins?"
The three bears ate porridge and that's all I have to say on the subject except that chocolate biscuits would be yum with bacon.
The three bears ate porridge and that's all I have to say on the subject except that chocolate biscuits would be yum with bacon.
Yeah,well there's the ole language barrier again. Now you know why I had so much trouble being understood in the U.S..
I spent a considerable amount of time in the U.S. in 2001.My son in law was working for Bechtel in Houston.
My son lived in Katy (sp) It's a suburb of Houston. We flew there after the birth of his daughter. My husband got sick when we hit the ground. We spent the visit in our motel room. It was a baaaad Christmas. He saw the baby briefly before we left. 1993.
As far as I'm concerned I don't think there is any savoury food that doesn't go with bacon.If anything, bacon improves the flavor when accompanied with other foods.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Actually, I think anything I WOULD eat wouldn't be made worse with bacon. Crisp, good smelling bacon scents the house. My little granddaughter sits at the art table and completely forgets her manners. BACON, she shouts. It sounds sooo funny. I LOL and shouldn't.
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