    I missed my grand daughter's birthday by one day. I can't give her presents to her for two more days. How can I make it up? I am devastated.

    In two days she will have Family Birthday.  

    0  Views: 328 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    She is upset too.

    3 Answers

    I'd simply do the "belated" gift thing. She'll apretiate them just as much, if not more...Don't worry, well, you can go ahead and worry, but to no avail!!!She'll be happy,and that'll make you happy....REALLY!!...(especialy if you told her that "WONDERER" said HAPPY Birthday, also...! ) lol...         It's worth a try...Don;t Be DEVISTATED! Best wishes.....


    I'd had a bad day. And then I found out about forgetting the birthday. To me it was just the dang last straw. Under different circumstances I wouldn't have been so upset.
    I'll tell her about you, wonderer. She'll be 9.

    Most grand daughters would forgive you! Don't worry about it! Just give her extra hugs and kisses! Happy Birthday to her!


    Thanks Clu. I'll give her extra attention. It may take awhile to get past this but time will make it ok.
    When I was a kid I wouldn't think anything about it but she's different.
    She 9 going on 19.

    I will be ok. I am embarrassed that I even wrote what I wrote. She will be ok too. Of course!

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