    Did anyone buy a mega millions lottery ticket ?

    Well the odds of winning is alot larger now. They added numbers to the draw. My guess this pot will reach over 1 billion dollars by the middle of january. The odd before were 159 million, now its 258 million . The change was to create higher jackpots. I had one ticket. Not a winner. But someone , sometime will win it, might as well be me. But not likely to happen. If it did , here is what would happen to me. I would be walking up to lottery redemption office and as i would be opening the door i would be hit by a meteroite that has been floating around the universe for the past 6 billion years, and killed instantly.


    UPDATE 12/16/2013 

    Up to 586 million now!!! 


    +2  Views: 1296 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    Think positive zorro, you never know what's round the corner, duck if you see a meteorite coming though.

    Zorro, please do not answer your own question. Use this comment section or edit the question area. I moved your update.

    4 Answers

    I rarely buy lottery tickets but if I did win one of those huge ones (millions), the people that I care about who have consistently demonstrated that they also care about me, would receive a chunk of it. Unless I knew that the person was careless about his/her spending, they would be handed the money and could feel free to spend it however they wish. Others may have a gift purchased FOR THEM. The relatives or strangers who SUDDENLY appeared at the door would receive zero!


    You can't win.....if you don't buy em. But I don't buy em often either ....untill everybody starts talking about the lottery.

    I Have always regarded you as a smart and intellegent young Lady,when can we meet,??

    me or Ducky ?

    anyway, I bought two of them ,b/c the guy in the gas station said it's still up to 454 million. I bought one for my bff too.

    You of course M,C,M,the money is of no intrest to me,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    I bought two. One quick pick and one numbers picked out by me. Didn't hit even one number.....

    When is too much money, too much? Can you imagine if it did get to 1 billion and you won the whole thing? I will not play because sometimes too much money is just too much. I know, you can give a lot away and help others but that's tricky. Maybe their life is the way it is because it needs to be that way for them to learn something. Changing their life by giving them a lot of money could change their lesson and they never learn it. The spiritual laws I live by would keep me from being a philanthropist and I would be left with the headache of what to do with too much money. I would probably donate much of it to animal shelters, but then I would worry if the money actually went to the animals and not into the pockets of the people running the shelter. It would become a full time job looking after the money to make sure it was spent on the animals.

    Good luck to you though. I hope your dream comes true. 


    Exactly, If it was won at 1 billion payout would be about 350 million, 50% of pot minus 30% taxes. It will happen some day.

    You want me to win just so I would be killed by a meteorite trying to cash the ticket. There are a few people that I would have halfway houses and low income housing projects built around their houses, here in Texas.

    You do not need to be cruel. I wish death on no one. I only answered the question because it sat for 2 hours with no answer. I notice that people will ignore questions but if I answer them, then they answer so their friends can TU them over me. Anything it takes to get people to answer questions ;)

    I would too, donate a lot to No Kill shelters.

    I heard someone  won it. I live in Mich. Wanted to buy one today ( Sat.) , but there was a mound of snow up against my garage door, and it was still snowing. Don't think I can shovel out till tomorrow ( Sun )  It's supposed to quit snowing at about MN. Would go out and run my snow blower then, but the neighbors prob wouldn't like it. They don't mind waking me up at all hours with their dogs and their guns and  M-80s for three weeks before the 4th of July and 3 weeks after it.

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