    a guy is dating a girl in my office. she brought him to the company party. The following week, he e-mailed me through a dating website; he did not ask me out, but he did complement my smile and made a general inquiry on my well-being on a frosty night. should I tell my coworker?

    Also, if I were interested in dating this guy, what is the acceptable wait time, if ever?

    +1  Views: 1155 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    There are no tried and true dating rules aside from respect. Do you respect  your friend? Do you respect the fellow? Do you respect  yourself?

    I wonder how he knew you were on the dating web site? Did you offer that information?


    It takes a clu to find a clue for noclue ;)

    Colleen - so clever and funny!

    No. What would you accomplish by this? Since the girl should have an inkling as to his being nice, there's no need for you to reinforce it; in fact, she can take it the wrong way, i.e., "he's 'interested' in you too." As for dating him, maybe you can "sound her out", saying how nice he is, etc. How long do you know her, and are you friendly with her? Is it worth causing friction? Maybe he'll ask you out, and then you can ask him about his dating her.So many variables that I can't give more advice.

    The main consideration, in my opinion, would be how long they have been dating and is it serious? I'm sure since you work with her, you could find out that bit of information by simply listening. Just don't play the "drama game". Be honest with yourself and ask why you want to date him. Are you competitive with your co-worker?

    Back-when I was dating, I often picked up several other girls and guys to go dancing and bar-hopping. That could have gone on for years but for interveining events that greatly altered my course in life.

    noclue - seems complicated to me - as clu said how did he know about the site. However, should you tell his girlfriend - definitely NOT - not up for question, no, no and no. Situation rather tenuous at the moment - see how things progress and then do things with integrity. You say your co-worker is dating him? bringing him to the office do, does not necessarily mean this. A bit more information is needed here I feel - but still a definite NO at the moment.    

     I don't think it really matters what anyone here sounds like you are interested in dating him.  How did he know he could connect with you on a random dating site?  My caution to you would be, if you're OK going out with someone else's guy, you won't mind when someone else goes out with YOUR guy.  

    You might be waiting a long time. Isn't he dating a work colleague of yours ?And yes, I would tell her he sent you an email. Sounds like this guy is a player.

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