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I don't know about dance but think hurts my head. Everytime I think my brain hurts, its hurting now.
5 Answers
Because you are using muscles that you do not commonly use for running or walking. As the muscles get stronger, your legs will hurt less.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
As strong as muscles get, they still get tired from use. The pain becomes more manageable over time however. New dances steps and routines can use the muscles differently which can cause new pains until the muscles get use to it.
And there is a lot of force exerted on the feet, the nerves are warning you that you have had enough for now. As muscles fatigue, lactic acid builds up if the blood flow and respiration cannot keep up removing the cellular wastes. Eventually, you will cramp up, and the muscles will no longer work, until they catch up and remove this lactic acid from their cells.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
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