    There are many books out now especially for seniors who use the computer. Why?

    I've been scanning the book stores because I have a new Mac IpadAircomputer and it's difficult for me to use ... Is this because I'm a SENIOR?  : (    . I've been using a computer for 20 years - never bought a book before. I don't know how I learned to use the dang thing.  Try to answer from experience. (You do not have to be a <cough cough> senior. You can merely be an observer. 

    +4  Views: 1944 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    itsmee, your profile says you were born in 1997 . LOL

    3 Answers

    When I first got my laptop I really didn't have a clue what I was doing, I downloaded a book "PC for Seniors", it cost me quite a lot, and to this day I haven't read one page of it.

    I tend to learn from my mistakes, I learn something virtually every day by researching answers for akaQA.


    Interesting. I won't go highlighting that new book just yet.

    Why? Probably because people will buy them. The problem is that once you've learned  computer basics on your own, the books sometimes create more questions than they answer. It's best to have handy access to a young person, even though they look at you as though you are an imbicile!     lol


    The only young person I know is eight. She may be able to help me with many aspects. Somehow that is a scary thought and I feel all gray and grizzled. My husband and I try to teach each other and it always ends in a little dust up and some hissing.

    I agree with romos , I have learnt more over the years by just fiddling on computers than I have from trying to read instructions. Keep fiddling  itsmee, you will learn more that way.


    I will fiddle as the Christmas cookies burn. : )

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