    is drinking bear a sin?

    +2  Views: 1125 Answers: 18 Posted: 11 years ago

    18 Answers

    If so, burn me at the stake……….


    LOL :-D I like beer too, but it doesn't mix well with my meds.My grandma used to make it during prohibition. She went to the grocery store and got the hops and the yeast, etc. It's not that hard.

    I’d love to learn. I take shots and I like beer. I’m careful…….

    Beer is not that difficult to make with the canned malts available. If you really want to explore, use the grains and mix and tweek as you like to get infinite different brews. Some will be great, so make sure to be scientific and keep good records. My son and I have made some over the years, harder now that he has become a dad and moved a bit further away :( It is a great hoppy, I mean hobby!

    This is a bear.  Drinking one would be difficult, but probably not sinful:


    ...and painful! lol

    And a bit dangerous.

    If that bear had too much beer he'd tear up nearby villages. You do realize he is taller than the trees around him. He could be two stories tall. Now, Bob ... Did YOU take this photo?

    Wish it were true....

    Some believe that drinking alcohol, in any form, is sinful. My belief is that being drunk is the sin. That is when alcohol can become a factor in abuse, drunk driving, fighting, adultery, etc.

    Bears should not drink beer! They take up too much space in a bar and they are crummy tippers!


    good one, Clu ! All these funny answers made my day .

    Well spotted Homles




    that covers it all, Vin

    beer drinking bear ...or
    bear drinking beer ...
    one or t'other
    I do swear

    Could be Drinking Bare-- But I won't post that one.

    LOL ... fell off chair.


    Is this Big Sur in California?

    Beats me if its big Sur in CA, I've been here almost 30 years and I have never been there, matter of fact, when my relatives come visit from Ohio, they know more about CA than I do. They take me to cool places less than 20 miles from home that I didn't even know was there. I'm too busy working to take a look around at what is here.

    You gotta go to Big Sur in the summer. The road is a little scary but well worth it. Hotels are very expensive. The fancy restaurants serve California Cuisine which is a joke. Get a hamburger from one of the little places - the place where you can sit in a chair in the river, drink a bear, and listen to jazz. Heaven.

    I quite like it.



    So do i Ted,but when im,drunk i forget how to do it,

    We are so alike Dougal.


    Cute, but the bear is not drinking beer.


    I can smell it. I love that smell.

    I believe that drinking beer is OK as long as you do not drink so much that you are inebriated. 


    I don't always drink but when I do its to get inebriated. :) Personally, I don't like the taste of any alcoholic beverage but after a few drinks of the disgusting stuff, my taste buds go numb and i don't really care anymore. :) last time I got drunk was in 2004, my wedding night, I was so drunk I didn't even get to go on my honeymoon, my wife and her daughters went without me, I stayed home for 3 days sobering up.

    Last time I got drunk was when I was 23. That was 28 years ago when I came to in the hospital from alcohol poisoning. I hated the taste of all alcohol too but was drinking to get drunk so I did not care what it tasted like. I decided that day there was no point in making myself drink when 1. I hated the taste of it and 2. I hated the hangovers. I hate cooked carrots so I do not eat them. No sense in drinking something I do not like the taste of or the after effects of. Sometimes we do need to pay attention to common sense, LOL

    As for your tale, your lucky you still had a wife after those 3 days ;)

    Not a tale, it's true. We were already living together in sin for 20+ years. She really didn't care, she was with her daughters that flew in from Ohio and Tennessee, she was having the time of her life. Probably if I went along I would have ruined the party because i was so sick. Once in a great while I might drink a beer, I will do that on a really hot day, some reason it taste pretty good on a hot day. But drunk, 2004, never again, I was really sick. if your body is not used to this misuse and abuse it will react violently to it, I was under attack!! :)

    It did not mean tale as in fiction. Does tale denote only fiction? I'll choose a different word in the future if it does. I'm the same. One time in a summer after mowing the lawns on a really hot day, I'll down 1/2 a bottle of ice cold beer because it is refreshing. Then I dump the rest down the sink. You probably were suffering from a mild case of alcohol poisoning. A straight on case of poisoning would have landed you in the hospital in a semi comma like me for 3 days. The stuff should be made illegal. Bring back prohibition! (Kidding).

    Tale can be taken both ways, but in my experience it is more widely used to denote a fictitious story, hence 'fairytale'. but it just depends on the colloquial language of where you were brought up.

    No I don't think I had alcohol poisoning but I will say that for a week afterwards i was pretty slow and not with it. It took a lot out of me, coincidentally I developed diverticulitis during that spell. This was a different sick, very painful, I don't know if it too was a result of the alcohol but my system functions were very slow and maybe due to this, the infection set in without much of a fight from my immune system.

    Painful lesson learned. We'll leave the drinking to the Scots and the bears ;)

    The sun was coming up. The tree was blossoming. The grass was greener than ever. The air was fresh. I was on my back porch steps with a bucket beside me, a head that was splitting, and sicker than I'd ever been. Carol and I had a party the night before. Scotch? I don't remember. I was 23 and I NEVER over did it again. It didn't phase Carol.

    ""No..but a typical bear response...DENIAL!

    Yes if its below the 9.5,acohl limit,


    I've heard of 2.3 beer, but that's as low as it gets. They used to sell that in Toledo. Adn you only had to be 18 to drink it. So, we all went down there when we turned 18.

    Sin means “to miss the mark or vier from true" as an archery term. The term varies widely through various world religions as to its significance. I’m sure some believe drinking beer is a sin but I do not. To me, God allows us to do things like like drink beer….even to the point of death, repetitively in order to learn that we are still a creation of God and that that will not affect His love for us. 

    So, call me a sinner, what can I say???   Burp, excuse me..



    The bible doesn't say not to drink alchohol. It says NOT to get  drunk . Simple as that.

    The bear bared all for a glass of beer.


    Take the suit off huh??

    She's a cheeky little bear.


    Only if it's light beer....>>>. Is drinking alcohol a sin?
    Is drinking alcohol a sin? Is it a sin to drink beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages?

    Drinking bare could be a sin depending on your age and who you drink it with.        You said what?

    Only if you are a Koala Bear.Actually they are not bears at all.But that's what the name "Koala" means.."I do not drink".

    Drinking beer is not a sin but, whilst intoxicated under the influence, you could do very sinful things.


    Please may i be fogiven for i may have done last night,

    Beer drinking isn't a sin. Over indulgence or gluttony is the sin.

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