My daughter called me today. She suspects she has a mouse, mice, squirrels, raccoons or RATS in her home. She was so freaked out, she whispered. She called me while she was waiting for the exterminator. I don't know the answer yet.
I had a mouse once. My husband was working the night shift. I was all alone and I spent the night on top of the table watching whatever came on the tv. I wasn't in contact with the remonte. It's funny now.
9 Answers
There were mice in the schools where I sub taught. You could see them real early while it was still a little dark out. I walked into a dimly lit music room and a mice was scurring across the floor. Scared me to death.! The teachers said the custodians can't use mouse killing baits or traps, b/c it's a hazard to the kids. Seems like they could use them by hiding them under the teacher's desk, or in the closet.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Was feeding the property cat when I heard a disturbance in the kitchen, the cat came out with a mouse in his mouth. Never knew it was around, what a shock!
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
During the drought we had here a couple of years ago everyone had a mouse problem.I installed a "Pestrol" electronic Rodent deterrent.The one you just plug into a power outlet.We haven't seen a mouse since.
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Yup, used a have-a-heart mouse trap to catch it and then took it a few miles away and released it into a wooded area. I did "adopted" one once that I found on my back porch because he had no feet. They had fallen off from frost bite plus he was blind in one eye. Got him a cute little mouse maze house to live in and called him Little Dude. He lived for 5 years.
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
My daughter had rats or mice years ago. Her man took the animal about 4 blocks away and let HER loose in a field. After being dumped in the field the rat made a bee-line back to my daughter's place so she could save the babies she just gave birth to. (I cannot tell the rest of the story. Too awful. I can say my daughter was totally traumatized That's what her problem is now.
When I was taking Early Education classes I had a white rat that I let the children hold. They loved him and it made my class settle down. I was ok with the rat for the most part. However, I was slightly squeemish about the long long tail. I survived it though for the sake of the kids. If he was running loose in my house it would have been a different story.
When I was still working at the casino some mice invaded the gaming floor and traps were set inside slot machines. Casinos change machines and move them often. When a particular machine was moved to the back of the house a slot tech called our housekeeping department to remove a dead mouse from a trap! I wouldn't do it! I figure if you caught him you get rid of him! Makes me wonder what they would do at home if they caught a mouse!
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
We had one a few years ago which kept getting into the bathroom at night, we kept finding droppings, never saw it but found a tiny hole in the side of the skirting board where it was squeezing through every night, don'y know why because there was no food maybe it liked the soap. My boy cat bought one home last summer time at about 10pm ,we were just thinking about going to bed, he dropped it in the living room and left it for us, we finished up with all the furniture in the middle of the room, and us trying to catch it. It took me about an hour to catch it in a little tin then I had to walk along the road about 50 yards and release it again. My wife wouldn't go to bed until she had cleaned all the room where it had been, while the cats sat meoing for their supper.
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
This is hard for me to write or think about.
Here goes:
My cat brought half a big lizard into my office. I was on the computer in a chat room. I was terrified.The people I was talking to LAUGHED. Yes, they did. I didn't know if half a lizard could climb up the chair legs and GET me or what. It was so ugly. It moved quite a bit. Fortunately my husband came home and did something with the half. He never found the other half. I looked for it for months.
Well, I didn't know I was going to write so much. I must change my thinking now.
We had them several winters ago. My dog would hold his head to the side listening to them in the wall. I put a trap tethered on some duct tape (so that I could fish it out) on the drop ceiling. Snap, one per day for 3 days, problem solved. Before anyone lectures, I needed to do this, as have a heart traps were too large to be put where they were... And I did not want to wait till the house was overrun with them! As for the schools, more common than you would think, as doors are opened more than a home, and kids leave stuff in lockers that attract them. Once a teacher was doing a fund raiser of selling candy, and they got into that box and there went all of the profits!
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
NOT in THIS house, where I've been for 3 1/2 years! BUT, when I lived rurally, once or twice. My mom and dad had them often, as the mice would leave the vineyards when there was activity there and get under the house and come through drawers they could access because of the way the home was built in 1949. I opened a drawer once that had papers and a felt hat, among other things, and a mouse had shredded the paper and stuffed the hat with it. Her babies were in the hat.
They had rats in the garage, which came from the containers that came from the ports (Oakland, Long Beach, SF, LA). (My dad had a general hauling company) The last time I saw one was about a year ago, when my son and I were bringing boxes down from the rafters in the garage. One box top started to wiggle, and a rat jumped out. ICK ICK ICK ICK ICK ICK ICK.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
When I was a baby my parents lived by the port of Stockton. They were forced to move (by my mother, I believe) There were " rats as big as cats" she said. I have no way to prove or disprove this. I do not know the size of the cats she spoke of. PS They moved to Angel's Camp. Cute, Huh?
Bob: How big was YOUR rat?