    What do you do when you feel empty inside and when you don`t know what are you doing with your life?

    +2  Views: 895 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Call a friend and arrange an outing, get some vigorous exercise, watch a good documentary on television, read an interesting article, contact someone who is going through a rough time. Get out of "self" and turn your attention somewhere (anywhere) else!


    Wonderful answer. I'm going to do all of it. (I'm not contacting anybody. Not today)

    I take a nap. This seems the cure for almost everything……….


    Absolutely. Sometimes I don't know what's wrong so I sit down and fall asleep almost immediately. (a nap) I usually only sleep for 15 minutes but I wake up refreshed. Einstein used to do this. I'm waiting to get really smart.

    I try to find something to occupy my mind....generally a puzzle, or a project, or I take the dog for a walk and talk to God. 

    Go fishing.

    jersy, Yesterday I had a day like you're speaking of. It was a dark day for me. Our carpets were wet from their shampoo. All our furniture was in t he wrong place. My hair was HORRIBLE. (Still is) It seems like there's too much coming up in the near future. (People celebrating their birthdays) Anyway, I didn't like ANYTHING.  Today ...It's different. I'm good and getting ready for a hair trim. Can you kind of wait it out  It's good to see you here even if your day is not good.  


    Awwww! It sounds like you just had a bad hair day Itsmee.

    I have had a bad-hair life. I hear tell that when I was just a wee one, I clump outta my bed go to the mirror and go after my wild hair with a brush. "Oh, these tigs. I don't like these tigs. Mommmmmy! Get these tigs out."
    I know a psychologist who says people suffer terribly because of their hair. Even people with the good hair. I like that guy. And you.

    I wish my only problem was ----my carpet is wet from it's shampoo.

    I have a few more. A general contractor told me that he had seen many divorces when a couples home was torn up because of some home project. My comment sounded trivial but ...

    For the emptiness, I eat. For the rest, figure out what's lacking, what would make you happy, and get started towards your goal(s).


    $$$$$ (shame on shallow me)

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