    How do i get aol off as the opening page of firefox?

    0  Views: 1379 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: aol

    2 Answers

    Create a new homepage. Follow the instructions here > 

    Unless you use dial up for your internet connection, get rid of AOL. 


    Windows 8 is such a pain in the bum compared to 7 It is the Vista after XP.

    Thank you. I figured out to take all the crap off IE which I NEVER use unless of a rare issue like this. I closed it, force closed Firefox and went into Programs.

    I know I didn't install anything on my computer so I just deleted everything from 6/27 - some obviously AOL but a couple sneaky programs like a downloader and a coupon site cleverly named. I then started Mozilla in safe mode and deleted anything I didn't recognize. I also added the plugin suggested above. When I restarted Firefox 22 it seems good to go. My only concern is that Firefox is showing as installed on 6/27 (but may have updated on it's own). So far so good no traces I can see.....which isn't much in Windows 8. Thanks for your assistance!


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