    what should I do if my boyfriend married with another woman?

    what should I do if my boyfriend married with another woman?

    +1  Views: 3138 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: love

    lilys, I'll ask you one more time, please use the comment this answer option to reply to people. I know Pythonlover has asked you to do the same. The add new answer box is for people to reply to your question.



    thank u benthere

    thank u zorro

    I believe that I will be better and rise from suffering,,, you guys have helped me to get back up,,,,

    what do you mean?

    I mean, click the "comment this answer" link/option attached to each answer you receive to reply back to people. Just like you did when you replied to Benthere. When you post using the big white box at the bottom of the page, I have to move your comment to where it belongs and it's not easy to move answers. I will do it a few times, after that, I just delete comments/replies that are not put where they belong. You can use this blue area to add to your question or to make a general comment to everyone.

    ok,,, thank u

    it is painful in a way , still yet life must move on

    11 Answers

    You leave them to it. You should not interfere in someones marriage. Time for you to get a life and get a guy of your own.

    You don't ever call a married man your boyfriend.  You call him your lover, and you understand that you are his mistress.  If you are OK having a relationship with a married man, don't ever expect him to divorce his wife to marry you, because you have already agreed to a relationship that lacks commitment and respect. 

    You are barely 20 years old.  Have some respect for yourself. Get an education, learn a trade, and take care of yourself.  Look for a man who can give you ALL of his HONEST love.  What you have now is someone taking, taking, taking. 

    IS that your problem.? Cant be much of a boyfriend. You probably made a real effort for this relationship. Now it was wasted away. That's why your mad. Be glad you found it now. The next guy you find and want to establish a relationship with, do a background check. Get a peace of mind for yourself. You will be protecting your future. You wont regret checking up on someone. Good luck to you.

    For starters, stop calling him “boyfriend”, he isn’t. You don’t want a guy that cheats, do you?

    Just be glad you didn't marry him. He obviously can't be trusted so although it is painful, move on and try to forget him.

    Lilys, Drop him .I know it's hard to get over the loss of a love, but keep yourself busy. Fortunatly for you, the world is FULL of other young men.

    If you knowingly date married men, you are the problem.  He, of course is no better, as he is cheating on his spouse!  Get some morals and value the institution of marriage, as you would not want your husband cheating on you would you?

    kick a$$!

    FIND a new one


    forget that man


    push him because ur lucky ur lucky because you dont marry him

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