    A Banker And A Farmer Who Is More Important

    +2  Views: 1017 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    14 Answers

    The farmer feeds the population, the banker bleeds the population and the farmer, only one winner in my book.


    The farmer- he provides the food which is far more important to life than money

    Farmers are more important, as far as I'm concerned.  Farmers work long hours. You all know about "banker's hours".  
    Even when they are in the bank, they are usually just playing with their least at MY bank....and their handshakes are flaccid.  ICKY 

    I beieve the farmer is more important BUT sometimes the farmer needs the banker to buy equipment and seed and fuel!   So I guess they will have to work hand in hand.  This is the world plan I think- One hand washes the other as in give and take!  What do you think??

    A Farmer with a lot of money in the bank,or perhaps a Banker who owns a big farm,{this is going to worry me all night now,}



    Happy Thanksgiving to the Duck and family !

    Thanks Ben. Same to you and yours. <3<3
    (Ours was October 14) :)

    I suppose the farmer mainly, but there are not many poor farmers around this area, there are a few less well off hard working farmers further north.

    Crop farmers in my country live the high life. They work no more than 8 months of the year, earn generous federally-regulated crop rates and complain 13 months of the year. They're both socially and fiscally ultra-conservatives when it suits them and hard-core socialists when government programs handouts are to be had.

    As for Bankers...well,they're worse than farmers.

    The farmer after all they were here first..

    The farmer probably, but in India 40,000 farmers have committed suicide because the bankers and Monsanto are making new seeds and getting all the money for the bankers. The farmers are using the pesticides to kill themselves after they can no longer afford to feed their own families because they have few original seeds.  Now having modified and patented seeds, equaling bad deeds done by the banks and friends. That makes the farmers more important, and the bankers needing to go to church to discover how to treat people.  Google Google.

    Why not have the "best of both worlds"? ""


    Good one! :)

    We need bankers like we need another hole in our heads.Money grubbing despots as far as I'm concerned.


    Ekthacly, IOU/TU.
    Thometime thoon!

    ouch, but you won't find me disagreeing!!

    How they can be so trivial as to charge you $35 for being a day late paying your credit card & still record a Hundred Million Dollars profit in one year has got me buggered.There is a very big class action suit going on here against the big banks for overcharging.It will take years to get a result of any kind but at least it's keeping them honest in the meantime.Some of the bank CEOs are on salaries of several million dollars P.A..But they still stick it to the battlers over a couple of lousy bucks.

    It is vulgar to make that kind of money on the backs of the working class. The boards of directors for just about everything are unpaid. How about higher interest rates on bank accounts. or bigger dividends for stock holders. The salaries and perks that truly nauseate me are the ones elected officials vote for themselves. Talk about thieves and despots!

    This is a simple question but intelligent. FARMER!

    To whom? It entirely a matter of perception.


    To YOU; who do YOU think is more important.

    I don't think that it has a reasonable answer. First of all, we can't do without farmers anymore than we can do without bankers. Farmers are businessmen and they are obligated to deal with bankers and bankers can't do without farmers, unless they have found a new source of food and money. The fact is that both are integral to our market based economy. I can't logically pick one over the other. I notice that some comments in this column seem angry at bankers. Well, they may as well be angry at farmers too, after all, most of the farmers in the US are major corporate farms, in other words, enormous. The day of the family farm is waning and these corporate farms get huge subsidies from the government. Reality, not all bankers are greedy and not all farmers are either. I just don't see one more important than the other. In fact, this question elicits emotional response rather than a logical one. I mean, look at the description of bankers. I'm supposed to believe that all bankers are greedy scum that we can't live with and the farmers practically have halos.

    All the answers are subjective, which is what the person asking should expect. No one has the definitive answer, for the reasons you cited and much, much more.
    Questions like this have as many answers as folks who answer them.

    Well, if I had to pick an answer for no other reason than opinion I guess I would pick banker. Yes the farmer is important, but our system of economics is more dependent on the banker. The farmer produces a vital product, but the banker is one of the institutions on which our monetary system rests. Everyone deals with the banker in a direct way, whether personal or in business. The farmer is different in that his is an indirect association for most people and the farmer produces a commodity just like most business, some of which are just as vital. And all business has to deal with the banker. The way our society is structured the people will not allow the farming industry to dwindle because of the capitalist system and the banker is vital to our free market economy. The farmer produces a vital product, but in the end is just another businessman dependent on the banker to survive. And the banker is one of the cornerstones of capitalism.

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