The couple has two daughters just the age of my grand daughters. Seems to me like a great family but I don't know much about ptsd. Just give your best guess.
3 Answers
Many people live with ptsd. It is not easy and it can be hazardous to those around folks with ptsd. If I had that with frequent episodes I would seek to sleep alone, outside the home recovering over time where I would not bother others or harm myself in the night, locked in. I have seen this in others and know it can be emotionally hazardous to others and sometimes physically hazardous also.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Sure I would. My dad served in the Korea War and I’m sure he had ptsd and he was a great father. It would depend on how I felt about the dad myself probably…...
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
If the family feels comfortable enough to invite others to spend the night in their home, I would suspect the condition is being treated medically and psychologically/psychiatrically.
Your granddaughters' parents can be tactful and honest in asking if the kids will aggravate the illness. If it is not a secret, then a thoughtfully worded question should resolve all doubt.
I'm embarrassed for the way questions about alcohol, drugs, and abuse are being asked like it's a "given". Those aren't conditions/situations that are generally common knowledge in the community. Show some respect and tact, for goodness sake.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
That is one of the reasons why I like to come here with my questions. I KNOW the experts. If an answer isn't right for my circumstances I can tell.
You put all our brains together and you come up with a REALLY REALLY bright brain. (tee hee)
Now about that dang egg ... I'm just gonna dump them in a pan and hope for the best.
I didn't quite understand your comment, but I do know that she plans on talking to the mom and dad tonight.