4 Answers
Yes, it is so >> http://wellsking.tripod.com/Worldrec23.htm
Song going through my head....the dreaded "what does the fox say" because of a question I just answered.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
But not at good as Foxes.
Australia has more venomous snakes than any other country in the world. It also has the unenviable distinction of being home to no fewer than 9 of the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world. Interestingly, it is the only continent with a higher proportion of venomous snakes to non-venomous ones: out of a total of nearly 170 species (including more than 30 sea snakes) around 120 of them are venomous. Some 20 - 25 of these are considered to be highly dangerous to people, the commonest cause of serious snakebite being the tiger snake (Notechis scutatus).
Even though few parts of Australia are entirely free of dangerous snakes - and an estimated 3,000 Australians are bitten by venomous snakes every year - deaths due to snakebite are relatively uncommon. Fatalities have dropped dramatically since the beginning of the century as anti-venoms have become more readily available: every year 200 - 500 of the snakebite victims require treatment with anti-venoms without which their chances of survival would have been limited. Between 1981 and 1991 only 18 deaths from snakebite were reported to the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory, Melbourne; four of these were people bitten after picking the snakes up or playing with them.
Brown snakes (genus Pseudonaja) were responsible for 11 deaths; tiger snakes (Notechus scutatus) for four; taipans (Oxyuranus scutellatus) for two; and a death adder (Acanthopis australis) for one.
Source: tripod.com
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
According to a doco i watched, we are supposed to have the ten deadliest snakes here, during my life time i have only seen one snake in the bush, plenty of dead ones on the roads thou, where i live there are plenty of snakes in the local gully thou i have never seen one, if they can snakes will avoid human contact, we are too big to waste venom on.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I nearly stepped on a king brown when I was working in the outback a few years ago. I think I jumped vertically about 3 feet.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |