    If you were at the gates to the Hades penal colony, would you be surprised to see a motto reading “Do to others as you would have done to you."

    +1  Views: 893 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    I don't understand the signifigant hidden  meaning behind the quesiton. Sorry.Could you enlighten us ?


    Many think of God as dualistic(good and bad), punishing error in hell, but the motto in such a location would seem out of place in thinking of God as “punishing" error….and Hades as a place of error correction you may think the motto should read “Abandon all hope you who enter here" It seems to be a distorted question because the reader sees the question based on considerations drawn from evolved cultural views rather than the suggested correction. The point of the question is the reconsideration of traditional views that are in error.The vagueness of the question begs for reconsideration.

    I don't think Hades is a place of error correction. That's what prison is.Hades is a place of eternal punishment.But, Jesus came to take the fall for us, so we don't have to go to hades.

    Robertgrist - of course I would along with many others - mycatsmom is correct Hades is not a place for penal correction - but the question of course requires consideration - Of course Hades view things/life like this - they feel what they are doing is right - coming from their morality - not sure if I have this right myself - I am trying here. Which begs the question "Do Australians feel it right the racist way the indigenous people are treated- i.e the aboriginal peoples -?" I saw the most horrendous program reported by Journalist John Piliger an Australian himself and very eminent - titled UTOPIA would you believe- I am finding it so hard to remove this from my mind and get my head round this program. It is a form of apartheid - not so well known - like a hidden society - extremely disturbing that one of the most wealthy country in the world can behave towards their forefathers as they do - something I am so cross with myself for as I never knew this - I wish how I knew how to contribute to their welfare. I cried so much having seen this programme. You will understand me Robertgrist.


    Robertgrist - I am dissapointed at your response here - a lack of commitment here. I guess it parallels the Australian Government - I must say I am disapointed here as I hoped you of all would be of help here - I thought you were of greater stuff - or is this a secret society- no major thing - just a thought. Sorry about the repetitive of here but it is here and now with out a comment from you. Wow where is the courage.

    Robertgrist - so sorry for my harsh response to you - why you are only one person - just wondered how the Australians feel about this.

    Robertgrist - hugely sorry sorry sorry - I thought you were an Australian - I am getting you mixed up with tommyh. I am such a dope jumping at you like that.

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