    Everybody awake in there?


    0  Views: 3720 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: akaqa

    2 Answers

    I'm always awake. Even when I sleep ;) Was eating a late supper an hour ago. Spent much of the day getting after the leaves that had fallen since the last clean up 2 days ago, then helped my neighbor with his yard so his leaves would stop blowing into my yard. (He's a little lazy about getting his yard work done). Then had to get stuff done in the house. Got a chance to stop for a full hour to eat, relax and now am here. Hope you enjoy your movie.


    Actually I was "heading off" to another room. I saw Safe Haven on Net Flix. It was ok. Predictable. I watched it because I think Juliana Hough is beautiful and it sounded kinda scary.
    I do not like old wet leaves. I remember the days when we burned leaves in the gutter. Oooooh nice but a real no no now.
    Spent the morning watching two grand daughters Soccer games. There were all these parents there getting really excited. I can't imagine my parents coming to one of my basket ball games. Basketball and dancing were the only great things about high school.

    I am. Probably because it is 12.30 pm in Australia.


    @@ <-- I am heading off to SEE a movie with my new glasses. : )

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