    where can I get a small piece of rabbit fur?

    0  Views: 727 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

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    Try a local pet shop, or maybe you have some friends who keep them as pets.


    If I had a pet rabbit I sure as H would not give his fur away! What would he wear? I don't think pet shops deal in fur either! Just saying!

    There are usually wee bits lying around their bedding after they clean themselves, you never know, just a suggestion.

    Go to the local Furrier, and see if they have any damaged furs which you could get a sample from.  Or a Rabbitry and see if they have any leftover from a nest box, as does pull fur from their chest and neck to line their nest box before kindling.  For that matter, a 4-H, or FFA kid may give you some from their project rabbits.  Good luck...

    At one time Dollar Stores ... or stores like that sold colored Rabbit Feet for good luck. When I was a kid I really liked them. You could feel the little rabbit nail inside the fur.  I doubt that they sell this item any more. I HOPE NOT.                I was just thinking that you might get a wee bit of fur from them if they are still sold.


    me too, itsmee. I was a kid then adn put them on my belt loops. Didn't know any better. didn't realize that rabbits had to die for that. NOw, I'm opposed to killing, harming, or exploiting animals.

    Yes, I do strongly agree. Those were particularly disgusting. What do you think of Alligator shoes & bags?
    Peggy: I'm curious. What do you want the fur for?

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