    what is your interpretation of ( turn the other cheek )

    +4  Views: 730 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yes, of course, it means to not lower yourself to others actions, and ignore them.  Walk away from fights, or do not participate, physically or otherwise. 

    terryfossil 1

    hi bustieone,,i like all the answers,but yours came close to mine,,,,it takes two to have a fight,and two to have an augument ..and if a man throws a punch at you in anger,if you retaliate straight have a fight..if you dont react straight away,,you give the aggresser the choice to back away or change his mind,,after that you only have two cheeks,,and self defence starts..........nice talking busty

    And same to you, no fights here! I am no good at fighting, so became a fast runner as a kid, ha ha...

    Do not respond TO 'mean and nasty' WITH 'mean and nasty'. Never add fuel to a fire based on your own need to have the last word, but just let it go!  God (or karma or circumstances as per your belief) will take care of it.

    I always thought to turn the other cheek meant to ignore someones nasty comments, or actions, or statements. When someone is not being very nice to you or a friend, or doe's something you don'e agree with, turn the other cheek don't let them wind you up,easier said than done sometimes.

    (My interpretation as presented by another at some point).

     What Jesus tried to teach was to outsmart your abuser without violence. Do not let him. Turn the other cheek certainly does not mean to offer him a second cheek to strike, nor does it mean to humble yourself and accept the abuse. Jesus outsmarted his abuser by turning his cheek before the abuser struck him. Thus leaving his abuser with a dilemma. If he struck Jesus on that cheek with his right hand, then he would be accepting Jesus as his equal in society. If he struck that cheek with his left hand, he would have brought shame apon himself. His only choice was to not strike at all. There is more to this but I am too tired at the moment to spell it all out. If need be, I can explain in detail later. 

    Just turn around,with your eyes watering,and let them slap them other side of your bum,

    it means when someone smacks you, turn the other cheek for him to smack , but only from some distance away   ;-)

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