Please write the following as an essay,
Explain how Chopin uses the following musical features in Raindrops:
Harmony and Tonality
please help me and write in full sentences please I have to write this essay for tomorrow and I don't have enough time to write it as I am running a charity event for movember please please help me love yous all who help me <3

4 Answers
I am sure your teacher gave you adequate time for this assignment . Research should have been done first, then a rough draft of the essay and then the final draft. Charity is a wonderful extra activity after your homework is all done. Consider your schoolwork as your first priority and your life will be so much calmer and you won't have to scramble at the last moment.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I'm so sorry, but I wouldn't write an essay for anybody without getting paid substantially for it (and it would be worth every penny). I wouldn't write an essay for someone to turn in as his/her own work, though, so you won't get much help from me.
It seems that you are going to learn a valuable lesson the hard took me several reviews of the lesson before I learned it, so I'm not coming at you from anyplace except straight on.
As Colleen suggested, talk to your instructor; do a good job on the assignment and turn it in, even if you receive no credit whatsoever. You can at least maintain some self-respect, learn something, and impress your instructor (which may come in handy).
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Colleen I am locked out of akaQA. I need to know what happened!
I cannot sign in. I need to know what happened. What were those 404's? It's not my style to use words that aren't accepted on this site. If you don't know my new email address, could you let me know here?
Sometimes I can do some things.
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |