    Cell phones & driving.

    There is a push over here for madatory licence suspension for using a phone while driving even for first offences.The fine system isn't working.The rate of convictins for this offence is esculating.What do you think.

    +9  Views: 1354 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    It is against the law here, to use a cell phone while driving. It is also against the law to be texting while driving. But guess what? They continue to do both. Nothing ever stops just because a law comes into effect. The punishment has to be enough to wake people up and if it takes loss of license (maybe some jail time too) then so be it. People are being killed because of these distracted drivers and some of them are just saying hi to their boy/ the middle of traffic! 


    That's exactly the general consensus here to Ducky.Talking on the phone is one thing but texting is a whole 'nuther ball game.We were nearly "taken out" by a woman texting on Sunday.

    It's happened to me too...right over into my lane during heavy traffic...while she was looking down, not at the road. Grrrrrr...

    They've banned them while driving in some states here.  Wish they would ban them while driving in all states.It's caused accidents and it's going to cause a lot more accidents.

    your on the money Tommyh,,i believe hands free are fine,,that is no different to talking to a passenger in the car,,when you are doing your driving test,,you will converse with the instructor,,if you are not capable of conversing while driving,then you should not be driving,,i mean after all ,,women can do more than one thing at a time,,,,   ,,,,,,,,,


    Okay terry, you've disagreed with me I see, but you've also done a great job of, shall we say, back peddling. I like that! LOL!!

    I'll even concede that you've made some good points. :)
    terryfossil 1

    How do you think i managed to stay married for 30 years Duck..>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<

    You have the system down to a science. Good job! lol

    If the vehicle's owner is driving, seize the car and auction it off.


    I do agree.Some serious penalties have to be applied.It's getting out of hand.

    Last week,some woman almost clipped my rear, going for a parking spot. She was on a cell. I motioned to her about the phone and I was steaming. She showed me her I.Q....the middle finger. She appeared to be in her '50's.

    Odd isn't it? THEY are in the wrong and give YOU the finger. Idiots!!

    I am so tempted to pull those people out of their cars and blacken an eye, break a nose, and bloody a lip. REALLY REALLY makes me mad.

    Just last night,a "double whammy." It was pitch black, and an idiot was on his cell....and had no lights on! I honked the horn for the lights; it was very hard to see him in my mirrors. Nothing; totally oblivious.

    It is hard to believe people are that reckless. Nearly every evening I'm out, there is at least one vehicle being driven with the "lights out and nobody home". :( It bothers me, as I had a friend who was killed as a result of a car's lights not being on and running a stop sign at an intersection.

    When I see one of these idiots and think it'll work, I flash my brights on and off several times. You think the idiot would "get it"? NOPE! If someone was flashing me and it's dark, my immediate reaction would be, "gee,maybe I have my lights off." DUHHHH!

    That's the same thing I do, and to the same result 9/10 times. :0

    It would stop people more if the phones were confiscated.
    It is about a $160 fine for first-timers here.  It stops NOBODY.   I don't do it since I almost hit a parked car on an empty street, but I will put my phone on "speaker" and have conversations.  My sister texts while driving and it scares me more than my own experience.  It upsets me to see people speeding (or poking) along, phone in their laps,, with eyes darting down more than up.


    I know that people have been encouraged to use the speaker when driving, hands-free and all that. I believe it is not so much the holding of the phone but the conversation itself, which is the distraction. I don't think that most people are as good at multi-tasking as they think they are. Sometimes people are even distracted by the car radio and tests have proven that. :(

    The fines here start at $300 & that's not even having an impact.Phone confiscation may work but they are talking about taking their licence for 1 month for first offence.I think licence suspension AND loss of the phone would be a good start.

    Suspending a license is fine, except who is going to respect that? Someone who breaks the law isn't going to sit in the passenger seat "just cuz". But I agree with Ducky and attention to driving. Keep the radio low.
    Taking away those fancy, expensive phone would definitely make an impression.

    I think the only solution would be a jamming devise installed in a car that disables cell phones while the engine is running or while the car is in gear.  What do you think?


    Not while the engine is running (cold climates) but definitely while car is in gear. Sounds good to me.

    So...That's why they call you Clu.Good idea.

    She did give us a really good "clue" didn't she Tommy? :)

    She certainly shows that she thinks things thru to a logical solution.I like the idea.

    There's talk about that same thing, already cellphone makers are including 'drive mode' but this is a voluntary mode. Disabling cellphones by law will be a difficult thing to make fly because of emergencies etc. The only tool to fight this is policing it. Cops now have the right in CA to ask for your phone to check time of operation when they suspect or see you driving while using. Educating will not work because people do as they see fit, other people die as a result of their stubbornness. I own a cellphone, I use it but I use it politely, I can't stand being someplace with some yokel yelling in the cellphone. A few months ago a woman was walking and texting at a mall and fell into the fountain, she tried to sue the mall because the fountain was in the middle of the mall walkway. Should she be driving, she would have killed herself or someone else.

    @Vinny.."tried to sue the mall"...brilliant! lol

    It is illegal to hold a phone and use it when driving here in the UK, they are talking about banning hands-free as well. I answered my hands-free while driving a couple of weeks ago, and after talking for about ten minutes realized that I had mist a turning and was heading in the wrong direction. So obviously using the phone even on hands-free, I had lost my concentration.


    I agree 100%. I do not believe that hands-free makes any difference. The BRAIN needs to be on the driving, not on the phone conversation.

    Yes Ducky, my experience proves that you can't drive and talk at the same time, and be safe.

    I think that cellphone usage is ok if using a 'hands free' device, texting while driving is equivalent to driving drunk.  I am in CA we have very strict cellphone usage laws.   we have another one going into effect January 1st.  'Any drivers under 18 it is illegal under any circumstances to be operating a cellphone while driving, hands free or otherwise.


    I despise seeing drivers texting while driving.  At least a drunk driver is TRYING to drive, texting drivers have no clue they are behind the wheel. 



    Agree 100%. When I see someone dawdling on a cell phone, either poking along, weaving, or speeding (unbelievable), I wish I had a police light on top of my car, siren, and a citation book.

    It should be illegal...period. Age does not matter, nor do the hands.It's the BRAIN that is disengaged from the job at hand...DRIVING! You cannot carry on any meaningful conversation (or argument) on a telephone and also be vigilant about your driving.

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