    Im revolting,

    +6  Views: 6187 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    Hector, it is not revolting to voice your opinin, after all you do live in a Democracy.

    9 Answers

    You are not revolting. 

    I don't think you're revolting hector. I think that your little green face is kinda cute.  Is this a picture of your cousins?





    Gee thanks Miss Ducky,xxx

    Cousins Icky,Mickey & Dicky.They're all jealous of Hector & it shows.

    They wish they were as cute as hector.

    In who’s mind? Did someone tell you this (if so, forget it…) or did you come up with it o your own? In that case, forget it. Not enough backing…………...

    Would you like to add to your statement so that people do not think you mean this? 

    1. causing revulsion; nauseating, disgusting, or repulsive
    2. Informal unpleasant or nasty that dress is revolting
    revoltingly adv 




    Aganist the personal posesion of guns,for the Idiots out thier,

    Well not all gun owners are idiots. Insanity causes people to murder other people. It just shows how many insane people are in this world. Better mental healthcare is needed.

    That's what I thought the person meant when I first read the heading and did't know it was Hector.

    in a lot of cases, if the gun wasn't there, the murder wouldn't have occured ; like in the case of Trayvon Martin.I doubt Zimmerman would have murdered him right then and there without a gun.

    Zimmerman did not murder Trayvon. If Zimmerman had not had a gun, Treyvon would have murdered Zimmerman by beating him to death. Guns are not always used in homicides. Trayvon was a hoodlum, a gangsta wanna be, a thug. He got the ending he worked hard for.

    By the way, violent gun deaths are of the lowest percentages of all deaths in the USA. Car accidents, deaths caused by inept doctors, knifing, and even drownings all have a higher rate than guns do. In the CDC's list of leading causes of death in the USA, guns do not even make the list unless you count the last one on the list (suicide) which is not limited to guns.
    Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
    Heart disease: 597,689
    Cancer: 574,743
    Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080
    Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476
    Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859
    Alzheimer's disease: 83,494
    Diabetes: 69,071
    Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,476
    Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097
    Intentional self-harm (suicide): 38,364

    See here for more research and a chart showing how low gun deaths are in the list of deaths in the USA >>

    Your doctor is FAR more likely to kill you than an armed criminal >


    One canot ban some of thease Colleen,but one could ban guns ,if the will was there,

    Take one right away from the US Constitution and you may as well remove them all. The right to bear arms will not and can not be removed. No one is forced to own a gun. Don't like them? Don't own one. We need the 2nd amendment to protect the 1st amendment.

    I do not agree,You had your slaves taken away,

    I never had slaves. Did you?
    Some reading material for you

    The U,S,A,did before they became a litle grown up,

    Did you read the link? The British supplied the slaves to the British who settled here. The USA abolished the slave trade and the owning of slaves.

    You only present one side ,as you normaly do,Im off to sleep,nite, nite,

    And you presented one side of the gun issue.
    You also brought slavery into this. I just gave you another side of the slavery issue. You claimed I owned slaves. "You had your slaves taken away from you." I'm assuming you meant my ancestors. Well none of them were above working class. They could not have afforded slaves. My sister had our family history done. No slave owners that we know of. Have you checked you family history to make sure there were no slave traders among your ancestors?

    Yes they were slaves ,caught up in the Irish patato famie,

    Seems slavery was not limited to the colonies or the US then. All countries have their ugly pasts.

    Welcome to the revolution.


    G'day Tom, maybe the U.S. needs another revolution to change the Amendment regarding the right to carry a gun, the pro gun lobbyists would Love that, money rules.

    If the punishments fit the crimes better, one might see a little less major crime in the US. One might not see felons being released "early" because of overcrowded jails and prisons.  Maybe ANYONE incarcerated in our penal system were in the US illegally should be unceremoniously shipped "right back where (s)he came from", even if it means dropping him/her off in a row boat and giving it a shove into that country's waters.   How about our legal system taking a bit more interest in the welfare of the victims rather than advocating for the JUSTLY accused. Perhaps if our legal system didn't take so long to bring people to trial..... IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF

    I have no problem with guns. Civilly, they are for protection (NOT aggression), hunting, and marksmanship.   


    I Agree about shipping people out,of the U/K Thats for sure,

    About 20 years ago, there was a big to-do about some guys in a row boat trying to land in the San Francisco harbor somewhere. They were your basic illegals, from China, if I remember right. My 3 year old son had just been to the doctor for immunizations...he was a trooper for 4 of them, and the 5th one he whined (who can blame him). I thought about how conscientious we were about immunizations, how the kids can't even go to school without certain must-haves. The idea of these guys just rowing on in with who-knew-what kinds of disease exposure just made me sick. I called my do-nothing Senator and told the peon who answered what I was thinking...not that it made any difference...

    hi hec,if you are revolting over guns,then you are revolting over democracy,,democracy is the right to say yes or no..gun laws took my right to say yes..i will give you another one that falls into the same thinking,,,,,,,i recently lost my job of 17 years because they said i was a unsafe forklift operator,but i had not ........hurt anybody,nearly hurt anybody,hit any property,    so i lost my gun,,but i did not shoot anybody,,i lost my job but i did nit hurt anybody,,,,,however now i feel like squareing up on a few people,,,,,,but i probably wont.....nice talking mate.................................................


    Sorry to hear about your job terryfossil,No i have nothing against guns,I was a marksman in the Army,but when demob had no more reason to need one,I Use to belong to two rifle clubs,But the rifles stayed at the club when not use for target shooting,

    Chicago,Il. USA has the strongest gun laws in the nation! Guess what? They also have the highest gun violence in the nation!  Does that say anything?? Highest murder rate by guns!


    Yes, it means the criminals feel empowered because they know the law keeps law abiding citizens defenseless. They also know there's not enough cops around to stop them. An armed citizen could stop them though.......

    Yes ! If they outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns!

    @Clu, please describe "the toughest laws" that exist in Chicago. I'm not familiar with them but I suspect that the penalty for possession or use is relatively insignificant. Do you know what the penalties are? Please elaborate.

    Exactly. Just as these countries who have banned guns are finding out.

    Personally, I don't think that you're THAT bad.


    Thanks digger ,but i dont pack a gun though,

    Digger please check out Chicago.Il. gun laws You will get a clue as to their laws Sorry I don't know how to link you up! I live near Chicago is why I am aware of their laws which apparently don't work.

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