    How are the fires in Australia? Anyone in peril?


    +3  Views: 2058 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    A cool change in the weather helped a lot.Don't worry Itsmee.There is nothing going on around Gladstone.:)


    Hope you and yours are o/k tommoth,

    Yeah.We're all 600 miles North of it all Dennis,Thanks.It can happen here too of course but so far this year we've been lucky.keep your fingers crossed mate.

    Still a lot of fires burning over New South Wales, fortunately they are under control "for now". Lots of devastation, many homes destroyed, people left with nothing. New South Wales bushfire smoke is feared to reach New Zealand. Sadly 2 pilots have died in their fire fighting effort.





    What an enormous bad deal. Thinking of you and all y’all……..


    hi itsmss,,i heard the some of the fires were started by the army during  training,,,and the greenies  are trying to make points calling it all due to global our prime minister told them it was all bull***t,,so then al gore put his 2 bobs worth in,,,,and the bottom line is,,we have been having these fires since way back when the aboriginal was the only one here....and he used to light a lot of fires..but that is another story....


    Terry, which ever way you look at it the planet is definately going through a cilimate change, the bush fires i'm afraid were caused by man, alias the Army, lets hope they are under control and out by the end of the week- end.
    terryfossil 1

    hi bulletman,,i do not want to get into a debate with you over global warming,however i do not believe man is causing global warming,,and even the scientists of the world are 50-50 on the subject,,,and keep in mind,a lot of the scientists get money for other experiments from the government.they are not going to jeopordise their other experiments...have a good day mate

    Itsmee, another terrible time for Australia ( New South Wales ) over 100 hundred homes lost, at this stage 3 lives lost,and the lowest of the lowest looters, as always Australia rallies together in a crises, i/m afraid my State of South Australia is heading towards major bush fires season as we start heading into record tempratures predicted this summer i dread to think how manty wild life plus domestic animals were lost in N.S.W.'s - thanks sincerely for your concern. 

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