    Which is a better browser (stronger) firefox or safari?

    My Mac keeps going to the shop. It came back last night and works TERRIBLE. While we were in the shop it worked ok. I wonder if that's because the wifi is really strong in there?  It could be that our computer is just shop. (We have another one but it's a total Dinosaur and will respond to just a few commands.

    At the point, I don't recommend Macintosh.

    +2  Views: 1006 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Firefox seems to have advantages >>>!&id=110885


    Thank you, pl.

    I have three browsers presently and a few more would be nice. I have Safari, Google and Firefox.

    Each browser is set up differently and are task oriented. I would like to set it up so that all of the programs related to the task I am working on are all I see. I know I can do this in Linux, but it is more of a goal than a reality at this time. I like organization when working and as is, if I wanted a game machine I would get another computer rather than using this aging MAC. I have had multiple systems to work with and nothing sucks the life out of you like computer work. So I have had to partition my activities and schedules so I don’t die at the keyboard…I also have to fix a broken fence and tend to my chickens, eat lunch and have a social life.     


    You know a lot about computers. I feel like I should start right from the beginning and learn all my lessons the right way. I'm totally frustrated with my inability to use this machine or even learn how to use it. ARGHHHH! I've been using the computer a lot for about 25 years. I must know something.... that's just not how it feels today.
    Thanks, Robert.... tend to your chickens. Do you eat their eggs and bake their chicken bodies?

    itsmee I just eat eggs occasionally. I prefer to breed toward completely wild chickens as they benefit a forestry system so very much.
    Re: computer savvy; I have experience with computers that includes the job title of “computer”, a person who calculates numbers, equations and mathematic expressions used in science and industry. As desktop computers have come along those math skills have become less and less important to me except when I am working on electronic, chemical or physics designs. I have worked on the numbers needed to launch objects into orbit and such, many years ago.
    There should be computer operations classes on-line in many places by now. Maybe Facebook or colleges on-line. I expect a lot of that would be free.

    What do wild chickens do for the forest? : )

    They are great compost-ors and fertilizers. They feed-up predators and fill gaps in the forrest ecology left open by the severe impact of hunting and free-way diminishment of species numbers, variety and so many land management disasters.

    Bless the Beasts and the Chickens. : ) and you!

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