10 Answers
As you may have read, the breast milk being sold is contaminated with bacteria and making babies sick. The bacteria is mostly due to bad hygiene. When I first found out people were buying untested, unpasteurized milk over the internet, I surprised that it was even allowed and surprised at how many women buy it for their infants. Lactating mothers can donate the milk to a milk bank, there it will get pasteurized to kill off any bacteria in it. That's the only way breast milk should be shared. I do not agree with strangers on the internet selling or buying milk with other strangers and no one checking the safety of the milk.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
We already know that almost every product for food consumption, that is in some sort of "package", will eventually have something added, so the manufacturer can "stretch it" and therefore, make more money. They prove that, by being forced to list the ingredients. Why do we have such difficulty in sticking with fresh, whole, unpackaged, REAL food and beverages? In this case, who would put their baby at such risk? :(
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
it's'disgusting If mothers aren't willing to breast feed, they ought to leave child bearing to those that are.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Some mothers can't breast feed, b/c they get cracked nipples , which is what happened to my mom with her 1st baby.It's painful !
I would never recommend this there has been contaminated milk all over the Internet why would any mother want to buy this for your baby theses people are not right in THIER mind you don't where the heck it is coming from it could be made in a filthy kitchen then nicely packaged then on to some poor mother who don't know any better
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I didn't know that was going on, but if I was a young mother of an infant, I wouldn't trust any breast milk on the internet with my precious baby. I guess you can buy anything over the internet.
The next thing you know, people will be buying a head transplant over the internet.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |