    What to do ?

    Lately, i laugh even with stupid things that maybe aren`t to laugh. Sometimes i don`t want to laugh but i can`t control myself. I am feeling inside so lonely even why i have many people around me, i try to be interested in learning but i have problems with concentration, i am not motivated and inspired. It`s like, simply  i live with no vision, with no desire for living. I want to change really and do things with desire but i can`t do it. I can`t feel a force that give me hope to live, simply i can`t turn on the force that was before inside me.

    +3  Views: 1186 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yep, classic depression. Doesn't mean you are a bad person, just unwell. It can be helped with proper medication. Trust me, your doctor has seen it many times before you, he can treat you, make you a whole new person……….

    Depression is certainly what your description sounds like to me, as well, and I agree wholeheartedly with pythonlover that you need to talk to someone who can help you move through the depression and/or provide medical treatment that will help.  

    Depression CAN be a result of hormonal or other chemical imbalances, requiring  medicine. Mine is, and when I am not taking my medication (a very low dose at that), I find it hard to be motivated to even get out of bed.  I WANT to do so many things, but I just can't muster the energy or enthusiasm.  The medication I take doesn't put me in "lala land", but just helps me "keep my head above water" and get things done. 

    You always impress me as a bright young woman with a lot of character and quality. I do hope you are successful in talking with someone who can help you get through this rough time. Keep us posted on your progress, as you definitely have friends who care about you here. 

    Hi there Jersy. The way you describe your feelings tells me you may be suffering with depression. Depression involves feelings of sadness and emptiness or a loss of pleasure or interest in things. Have a talk with a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.


    Unfortunately i don`t have psychologist at school, i talked to my father for my problem but he don`t understand he thinks that is something that pass without consequences. So i am planing to go to any psychologist, even if he doesn`t agree, i can`t continue a life like that, simply i don`t want to give up like that.

    Of course you don't want to live life like that, and you should not have to. Just be reassured that there is help available.

    Really thank you so much for you answer, it helps me so so much. It`s like i need someone who really understand my feelings and my situation.

    This article contains a lot of good reading about depression, which as the other members here have suggested, could be what you are experiencing. You may have some of these symptoms but not necessarily all of them. Read and then discuss with your doctor or perhaps a counsellor. I hope this will help you.

    You have already taken the first step , by coming on here and telling us how you feel, thats a good sign for someone who has depression. It sounds like you have realised what you haev before it gets too difficult to deal with. See a doctor they will help you, good luck ,and try to face up to whatever is causing this problem, you will get better.

    Oh jersy, I'm sorry your depression is getting in the way of your life. 

    Your words could have been written by me several years ago. I went to a psychologist and told him that the house seemed to be dark even when it wasn't dark and even with the lights on. It sounds strange, but that was the way I felt and he understood! 

    Like some others, I took antidepressant medicine and after awhile I started to feel much better. I hope you'll stay on this board and let us know how you're doing. You're so bright and have much to offer others. 

    I will probably fight Depression all my life. But now I know there is a way to get around it ... a way to get over it even. We're here for you.   xxx  

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