    what is the name of the song about a young guy and older guy on a plane that come from the same kind of town

    0  Views: 1110 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Could this be it?....


    "Where I'm From"

    On a 3 hour flight from Memphis to LA
    I was silently celebrating my first class upgrade
    Laughing at my jeans and my boots beside those high dollar shoes and armani suits
    When the gentleman next to me said the drinks up here are free
    So if you'd like the first one can be on me
    He said I'm heading back from business, in New York and Rome
    Tell me son where do you call home

    I said I'm from the front pew of a wooden white church
    A courthouse clock that still dont work
    Where a mans word means everything
    Where moms and dads were high school flames and
    Gave their children Grandmothers maiden name
    Yes, it may not sound like much
    But its where I'm from

    So we Drank that round and then another
    There wasnt a topic in this world we did not cover
    He said I headed out west when I was barely 19
    Just a kid chasing my dreams
    And I said I'm flying out here to pick up my big brother
    He's been fighting the cancer they discovered
    But he called last night and said I think this is the end
    So come take me home to my family and my friends

    Where the quarterback dates the homecoming queen
    The trucks a ford and the tractor's green
    And amazing grace is what we sing
    Where theres a county fair every fall
    And your friends are there no matter when you call
    It may not sound like much but its where I'm from

    And as we stood to claim the bags we checked
    He said ill pray for your brother and did I mention that
    Italian suits havent always been my style
    See I was the quarter back of my high school team
    We took state back in 63 and my wife well she is still my homecoming queen

    Cuz I'm from the front pew of a wooden white church
    A courthouse clock that still dont work
    Where a mans word means everything
    Where moms and dads were high school flames
    Gave their children Grandmothers maiden name
    Yes, it may not sound like much
    I said it may not sound like much
    But its where I'm from
    amazing grace
    It's where I'm from
    how sweet the sound
    Its where I'm from
    amazing grace, how sweet the sound, amazing grace.


    It took a woman of music to get this one ;)

    ...only took me like...15 minutes to decode...wonder if it's right...seems so...sad as h3ll though..dang twang! lol

    Do you have any more details? Singer? Word lyrics? 


    Hadn't a clue....I have yet to find it to listen to it...sad as hades it is....

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