    what is going to happen with veteran benefits with shout down and debt crises

    +1  Views: 612 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Congress has already approved the money for the Vets to get paid. Obama signed the bill only after he tried to use the Vets for his political game playing.  There is money in the coffers, they will get the bills paid no matter how much Obama cries that the sky is falling. There is no way that the government can default on paying the debt. Here's why:

    "In realistic fiscal terms, there is no need for the government to default on the debt--by failing to pay the interest it owes on that debt--because onging federal tax revenues far out-strip ongoing interest payments. So far this fiscal year (through July 11), for example, the federal government has brought in $1.647687 trillion in tax revenue, while needing to pay out $150.837 billion in interest on the debt." - See more at:

    Guns, If you don't change your screen name, you may have  H L S or Fema knocking on your door. In answer to your question, I'm just worried about soc. sec checks.........b/c for a lot of us, that's all we got to live on.

    I would start stocking food and water if I were you. I'm doing a little of that myself.


    Below reply moved to where it belongs.



    Yes and thank you so much i am also worried about SS payments about my nick name Guns got that i Nam and the VA said i did not participate well they said i was there but i fought with friendly forces i hope i was with friendly's what a bunch of incompetent jerks and if they do not like my nick name they can put there opinion where the sun does not shine God Bless America and thank you

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