    4 year old prescribed 1 mg of liquid medicine using a teaspoon how much is that

    1 mg of diahrea medication is how much using a teaspoon

    0  Views: 837 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    The two can not be converted. I found the below answer on another site. It might seem confusing. Your best bet would be to call a pharmacist and ask them what the dosage would be using a teaspoon. 

    Posted by Juliet:

    Often times in the pharmacy where I work, we are required to determine the proper dosage of a liquid medicine for a child. The others are right - you can't directly convert milligrams to teaspoons, but you could determine a proper dosage if you know the ratio of mg to mL for a particular medicine.

    For example, Claritin, a popular antihistimine, comes in a strength of 1 mg/mL. This means for every mL ingested, 1 mg of the medicine is taken. If a doctor wants his or her patient to have 5mg of the medicine, then they would say "take 5mL by mouth every day," or something of the sort.

    To convert mL to teaspoons, use 5 mL as a conversion factor. That is, there are approximately 5 mL in 1 teaspoon. So if you were prescribed 10 mL of a medicine, you would take 2 teaspoons; 15 mL is equivalent to 3 teaspoons, and so on.

    I hope I helped. If you need any more information, feel free to message me.
    I'm a pharmacy student.

    Most medicines for children of that age are prescribed with a syringe to measure the dosage acurately.Go back to the pharmacy & ask for a syringe.You can either go directly to the child's mouth with the syringe or transfer to a teaspoon.

    It should say on the bottle how many mgs are in 1 ml .  One teaspoon =  5 ml.

     ml .  is millileters which means the liquid measurement.  The best idea is to call your local pharmacist and ask  him / her.


    sorry, Colleen....didn't see your post above til I was done with mine.

    Since you were once a registered RN, it's good that you basically backed up the answer I found on the internet. She can even ask her pediatrician.

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